Consultation on Potentially Vulnerable Areas to Flood Risk

Consultation on Potentially Vulnerable Areas to Flood Risk

SEPA is currently carrying out an open consultation on potentially vulnerable areas (PVAs) to flood risk and their location. The consultation will feed into the new National Flood Risk Assessment and flood risk management strategies. If there are flood risk areas of concern to properties, businesses or vulnerable people in your area it would be well worth completing the survey.

The deadline for completing the consultation is the 31st of July.

Please find a link to the online survey here:

Libraries and Archives Strategy Survey

Libraries and Archives Strategy Survey

Stirling Council Libraries and Archives have a survey running from Tuesday 8th – Friday 25th May.  They are drafting a new Strategy to take the service forward for the next five years.  They are keen to hear service users’ views on what libraries currently provide and what our priorities for the future should be.  They also want to hear from those who have never used our libraries or not used them for some time – what might tempt them in?  Paper copies of the survey will be going out to libraries next week and the survey will be available online at the following links:


Parking Survey Report

Parking Survey Report

As you may be aware, we have recently undertaken a parking survey of the main shopping areas within Bridge of Allan. We are now in a position to share the result of the survey with you together with our conclusions and recommendations. This report will be presented at our meeting on a Tuesday 15th May at 7.30pm in the Allan Centre. We wished to share the results in advance of our meeting.
The matter of parking was raised with the Community Council by a small number of merchants seeking support to increase parking regulation time on Henderson Street.  
Given the value we place on our thriving high street, we were keen to listen to the concerns raised and consider a range of options and solutions that would continue to uphold the high throughput of trade and visitors to the village whilst meeting the needs of all stakeholders (merchants, residents, visitors, etc).
In addition to the survey, we have spoken with individuals and organisations impacted by some of the options to understand further their concerns. We have also conducted some analysis on the Henderson Street parking spaces and reviewed the usage of the Fountain Road/co-op car park.
It is fair to say that the subject of parking is a highly emotive issue and many varying views are held in this regard. In relation to increasing the waiting time to 60 minutes on Henderson Street, the survey did not provide a clear cut response with 38.9% supporting an increase on one side (only 30% of merchants supporting this option). It should be noted on 21 merchants responded to the survey which conclusions could be drawn from itself. This together with the analysis of the reduction in potential parking spaces (currently 880 parking opportunities on Henderson Street which would be significantly reduced if waiting times are increased to 60 minutes), the Community Council are of the opinion to retain the existing waiting time of 30 minutes. We believe the slight gain potentially achieved for some merchants is outweighed by the disadvantage it would bring to others.

In relation to on-street parking on Fountain Road outside the post office, we are recommending the maintenance of the existing 30-minute waiting time. Over 70% of respondents supported this option.

With regards to restricting the waiting time to a maximum of 3 hours in the Fountain Road car park (immediately adjacent to the Co-op) whilst there was a majority of support for doing this, a number of significant issues were raised by a number of stakeholders. These are outlined in the attached report. Also given that we would be recommending to maintain the existing short stay arrangements on Henderson Street, we do not believe it is advantageous to restrict the main public car park.

With regards to charging, the Community Council are not in support of introducing charging for parking.

We will be recommending improved signage to our car parks and will work with Stirling Council to implement this.

We are acutely aware that these recommendations will be met with a degree of dissatisfaction from some merchants whilst welcomed by others.  We as a Community Council believe we have conducted an open and fair consultation and gathered from 619 respondents a wide and varied range of views to inform our conclusion.

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this consultation and who supports the efforts of the Community Council.

Yours faithfully,

Mike Watson

Chair – Bridge of Allan Community Council

Parking Survey Report (Final)

Stirling Council Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places 2018

Stirling Council Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places 2018

Stirling Council’s returning officer, Stewart Carruth, has written to inform us of the above review. He informs us that the Council wishes to ensure that all electors have reasonable and practical facilities for voting (the Allan Centre is of course the polling place for Bridge of Allan), including the requirement to meet the needs of disabled voters.

We attach a scanned copy of his letter.

Polling Places

#YoYP 2018 Get Involved !

This is Scotland’s “Year of Young People”  – a year of events and activities designed by young people for young people, with the aim of giving them a voice, empowering them to influence the decisions that affect them and to celebrate their talents.   As part of the YoYP ,Youth Ambassadors have been appointed from across Scotland and we have a number of Ambassadors living in Bridge of Allan. You can read more about YoYP2018 here.

Year of Young People 2018 website

Bridge of Allan Community Council are excited to support the activities and achievements of the young people in our community. Our aim this year is to engage with our young people and so ensure their ideas and opinions are represented on the wide range of topics that come to the community council. Indeed, we want our young people to be shaping our agenda and our emerging community plan, bringing forward things that are important to them. We see their input to the big issues as key – issues of policy, planning and investment in infrastructure will have long reaching impacts and our young citizens are the ones who will live with the consequences. It makes ever sense that our young people should be at the heart of our planning and decision making.

Over the course of this year we will invite young members of our community to join us and to get involved actively in the community. If you have a young person in your household or family, why not speak to them about their role in shaping Bridge of Allan’s future. We would love to hear from them and to give them a platform at our Community Council Meetings. If they want to get involved, ask them to contact us at and we will make it happen!

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