The applicant has submitted a substantial revision to the application reducing the
number of housing units proposed. The revision has been advertised, consultees
have been re-consulted, neighbours notified and all third parties have been
informed of the revised submission. There has been a substantial increase in
third party comments as a result of this publicity and these comments are still
being reviewed, as are the comments of consultees. It is anticipated that the
processing of the application will take several weeks before Officers are in a
position to put forward a recommendation.
The determination date has been extended until 14th October 2015 although given
that this is only a few weeks away, it is likely that the date will be extended
further to allow for consultees to respond, information to be assessed and for
a report to be written.
We have been reassured that objections already lodged still stand, but it may be
worth submitting a supplementary comment that the reduction of houses has not
changed your view on the application (if that is the case of course!)
Useful Links
To access the various documents that have been submitted to Planning follow the link below
You will find a link on that page where you can make your comment. Please note
though that you will need to be registered on the SC web portal and logged in
to make a comment.
Source: Current issues
My objection to the plans still stands and the reduction of housing has not changed my view on the application.