Our May meeting minutes were approved at our last meeting and are now available to read in full by clicking here

At the meeting we discussed 

👉 Police report – We have a new PC covering the Bridge of Allan area PC Rennie.  
👉 Residents voice – concerns re vegetation encroaching on pavements and derelict buildings. –  Remember you can riase issues directly with Stirling Council using the Report it function 
👉 Guala – Update from tour of site facilitated by Allan Currie.  Curently all possible options for the site are being considered.
👉 Sunnylaw Land: Solicitors are finalising the purchase. Discover Bridge of Allan will hold the land in trust and an Management Committee will now take on responsibility for the site.
👉 Tennis Courts/MUGA refurbishment – refurbished courts are curently free for the time being, with proposed fee being £5 per hour, £50 per year. Courts can be booked via the LTA clubspark site (registration needed).  Funding from CSET has been secured to refurbish the adjoining MUGA
👉 Local Place Plan – Communinty Engagement took place at recent events. The survey was extended (but is now closed).  The Local Place Plan document is beginign to be built up
👉 Waste Management Centre Bookings/ Fountain Road Play park – bookings are now needed to take your waste to the HWRC – see more info here
👉 Succession Planning/Co-option
👉 CC Public Liability Insurance
👉 Reported Drug Issue
👉 Planning Applications Report
👉 Common Good Fund Application – The CC voted to approve funding from the Common Good Fund for Bridge of Allan Primary school to refurbish their MUGA
Minutes for the latest June meeting will be available after their approval at the next meeting.  However news on the progress of projects and local issues will also be shared via our website and social media accounts, so sign up to our mailing list or follow us to find out our news. 

Minutes from all our past meetings can be found on our meetings page

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