Our January 2025 meeting minutes were approved at our last meeting and are now available to read in full by clicking here
At the meeting we discussed
Police Report β Covering the period 19th November 2024 to 21st January 2025: available here
Updates from Community Organisations -A monthly agenda slot for updates from other community groups. Discover Bridge of Allan have published their Community Action Plan (CAP) – available on their website ; their AGM is on Feb 3rd; two board members are stepping down, with one new full member and an associate member joining the board, and they are adjusting their articles for charitable status. Friends of Bridge of Allan erected a large Christmas tree in the Provost’s Park ahead of the Christmas Tree lighting ceremony, with wreath’s hung and sponsor plaques attached to street lights, and there were all taken down in the New Year. Ongoing work at the Memorial Park has been of clearing leaves and general tidy up; with the forthcoming closure of UCP they may lose use of a 40′ storage container for their equipment, and they made a plea if anyone knew of a suitable container and site The Dr Welsh Trust have funded replacement of the ‘Mid Wood’ signs with ‘Lower Westerton Wood’ signs, and these have now been erected. Councillor Tollemache reported for the Allotment Association on a delay with SC in renewing the Allotment’s lease.
Residents voice – Topics raised included dog mess, particularly Allan Vale road; Faulty Street Lights (attention was drawn to Stirling Councils
REPORT IT online reporting service for faults and complaints); Forthcoming Scottish Power tree works at the junction of Alexander Drive and Well Rd.
Planned Improvement Works – A forthcoming public meeting about the proposed Knockhill Bridge works was announced; It was hoped a Stirling Council officer might attend the February meeting to discuss Henderson Street traffic calming.
Council Budget Consultation – The Chair opened a discussion on the Stirling Council Budget Consultation with a plea that residents respond. She suggested the CC write to the Council to feed in a community view.
Our Bridge of Allan Planning – The working party are planning further engagement sessions. The deadline for the Local Place Plan has been extended until October.
Planning report – no new planning proposals of significance. It was noted that the planning consent for the development at Park of Kier had passed on 21st Dec 2024 with no extension requested by the developer.
Chair’s Report – The vice-chair (Anna Doeser) has resigned and we now have three community council vacancies, and welcome anyone interested to come along to a meeting or get in touch. A recruitment drive will begin soon. The chair reported writing to the owners of vacant properties and had replies from the owners of 103 and 105 Henderson Street, but not the Royal Hotel. It was felt that the sites should be tidied up. Following the vehicle accident which had knocked down the Paterson Memorial Clock the chair had received helpful reports from Stirling Council on progress to start repairs.
Secretaryβs report – A round up of communications from our elected members, residents and newsletters.
Treasurer’s report – The invoice for the Christmas lights installation and removal has not yet been received . Some additional donations have been received. The only significant payment was for the rights to play recorded music at the Christmas Lights ceremony.
AOB β At a forthcoming meeting with Stirling Council about the MUGA it will be suggested that pickleball court markings are added.
Minutes for the latest February meeting will be available after their approval at the next meeting in March. However news on the progress of projects and local issues will also be shared via our website and social media accounts, so sign up to our mailing list or follow us to find out our news.
Minutes from all our past meetings can be found on our meetings page