You might have taken part in Flood Protection Scheme engagement activities back in March 2022.
T️he process is now continuing with some in person and online engagement session.
Residents are invited to meet with Stirling Council’s flooding team and consultant engineers at Bridge of Allan Library to share their views and ask questions. Monday 13 November: 10am – 3pm Tuesday 14 November: 2pm – 7pm
Online sessions are also taking place via MS Teams for those who can’t make it along in person. Tuesday 20 November: 7pm – 8.30pm Thursday 22 November: 7pm – 8.30pm. The shortlist of options will be published and community feedback will be taken into consideration when progression is made towards a preferred option. To sign up or for more information, email
I am not able to take part in the live consultations so I am adding my comment here
I think flood risk will be increasing in coming years due to climate change. New build sholud not be allowed within either current or prospective futures areas for which there is flood risk.
Given the numbers of people in need of affordable housing, I guess that the degree of “flood risk” needs to be quantified and weighed against the risks of people being in temporary or otherwise unsuitable housing. Those of us privileged enough to be in secure housing (and possibly even own our own homes) need to avoid using “flood risk” as a blanket way of trying to prevent other people attaining that lucky status – unless we can pinpoint nearby viable areas for housing that have no flood risk.