by Communications TEAM | Nov 18, 2023 | announcement, Planning
Our November agenda has been updated to include an item on the Sunnylaw land sale.
We became aware of this land auction, with a date set for December 7th, only last week. We have made enquiries to establish that the land is in private ownership.
The area is a well used and appreciated green and open space for recreation. In discussion with local elected members and neighboring residents we are looking into all options to retain this public amenity space. We have contacted the seller and sought advice from community land scotland regarding potentially registering a Community Right to Buy.
by Communications TEAM | Aug 20, 2023 | announcement, Planning
The University of Edinburgh has recently purchased land at Drumbrae, by Sherrifmuir Road, north of Bridge of Allan, and has plans to create woodlands on the site to sequester carbon, improve biodiversity, and maintain access for local communities.
An early survey collected views on important to the community, this is now closed, and you can see a summary of the popular themes on the project webpage. These responses will be used to inform aspects of the development plans for the site.
The next phase of the consultation is a drop in session followed by an online survey. The details of the drop in are:
- When: 2pm to 8pm, Friday 25 August 2023
- Where: Bridge of Allan Sports Club in the Minewood Suite.
All are welcome, no booking is necessary.
An online survey will be open from the 28th of August to 29th of September to receive feedback on the plans.
See the full timeline and a video about the project on the University of Edinburgh, Drumbrae web page
by Communications TEAM | Apr 23, 2023 | announcement, Minutes, Planning
Our March meeting minutes are now available to read in full by clicking here
At the meeting we discussed
- The Police Report covering 18th Feb-20th March
- Community Action Plan update – we have been refelcting on progress on the last plan 2011-2016, so in need of a refresh! It is important all of the community is supported to contribute to a community plan so we are looking at ways to do this.
- Local Place Plan – we can share a Q&A document from the online session that our members attended on the 20th Feb. You can view a copy of the presentation here, although it covered the very basics.
- Hybrid meetings
- Mine Woods Community litter pick
- Planning – An application at Pendriech Farm sparked discussion of Local Landscape Areas, as the site is within the Western Ochils LLA.
- Reports form our Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
Minutes for the latest April meeting will be available after their approval at the next meeting. However news on the progress of our projects and local issues will be shared via our website and social media accounts, so sign up to our mailing list or follow us to find out our news.
Minutes from all our past meetings can be found on our meetings page
by Communications TEAM | Dec 28, 2022 | announcement, Planning
Following an exhausting enquiry by the Reporter which included 2 days of video debate on housing land supply the Reporter, citing the importance of the Green Belt between Bridge of Allan and Causewayhead and the importance of the identity of the two towns recommended that the planning application be refused.
The Scottish Government endorsed the Reporters findings and refused the application.
The details of the case and documents can be read here .
See also our past articles on Airthrey Kerse
Airthery Kerse Planning Appeal – Reporter requests further information
by Communications TEAM | Jan 4, 2022 | Past Issues, Planning
A new consultation on a range of proposed changes to Henderson Street and Fountain road is available for your consideration and comments. The closing date for comments is midnight on the 9th of January. Find the proposals here: Engage Stirling
Experiences with traffic, speeding, parking, walking and cycling in the village generate many comments, questions and requests to the Community Council. We try and deal with issues as they arise such as reporting potholes or paving defects and requesting increased enforcement. In a more strategic approach we have been involved in a community parking management plan, which has unfortunately been delayed due to the pandemic.
In September we participated in a walk around with Living Streets, elected councillors, Stirling Council representatives from Traffic Management and residents to consider the street lay out for a range of community members and situations such as morning drop off at the primary school. After this a number of locations have been identified for changes or further consideration. These include improving access by installing dropped kerbs and awareness of the need for householders to ensure vegetation from their property does not encroach onto the pavement.
Henderson Street Consultation
Now your views are welcomed on a range of proposals on Henderson Street, which aim to address the concerns of residents about the excessive speeding along this busy route. The proposals have been produced by a working group of Stirling Council officers, Police Scotland and local elected members which included representatives from Bridge of Allan Community Council and from the residents of Henderson Street.
The proposals are for a number of changes to the street layout. This includes pavement build-outs along key stretches of Henderson Street in order to narrow the road sufficiently to encourage drivers to slow down. Formalising of parking areas, changes to bus stop layout, changes to road markings including removal of the centre line in some areas.
The full plans and details can be found on the Engage Stirling Platform. Here you can review the plans and make your comments. Looking at google street view along side the drawing plans is a helpful reminder of the current and past layouts.
The deadline for comments is midnight on the 9th of January to allow the project to progress. The Community Council will be discussing the plans and consultation comments at our meeting on the 16th of January and the team at Stirling Council will take note of concerns raised in our discussion.
The Consultation designs are proposed on 5 pdf documents, these are summarised here:
- Removal of the centre line from Keir Street roundabout to junction with Graham Street, additional formal parking from Lumia to existing double yellows outside 129b.
- Build out of pavement where footpath from Lower Westerton Wood meets Henderson Street, centre line retained over the brow of hill, bus stop layby infilled and bus stops on road.
- Marked parking outside 105 and 108 ,before the junction with Melville place. Parking outside 81-89 up to double yellows and keeping access clear.
- Build out by parking outside flooring studio, outside Lockhart & Taylor footway bus stop infilled.
- There is no drawing 5, this proposal was withdrawn after early discussion.
- New zebra crossing on Fountain road at junction with Keir Street. (Note the layout of co-op will be changing with the store is rebuilt).
by Communications TEAM | Sep 26, 2021 | announcement, Planning
If you had, like us, commented on the Airthrey Kerse planning application in the past, you may have received a letter about the next steps in the appeal process. In order to inform their decision on the appeal the Reporter has identified that additional information is required.
The information required relates to Housing Land Supply and Environmental information on Flood Risk and Transport. The applicants have been asked to submit these updated Flood Risk Assessments and Transport reports and this could take some time.
A hearing or inquiry session is now being scheduled on the Housing Land Supply aspect, although no dates have yet been set. This hearing will be open to the Public on a viewing only basis, however submissions can still be made to the Reporter providing it is NEW information. The Community Council will not be participating in the Housing Land Supply session as we have no new information to contribute. However, both Bridge of Allan and Causewayhead Community Councils will be participating in relation to the flooding and transportation matters.
All the documents relating to the case can be seen here on the DPEA website