Many community members were concerned about the sale and the potential for the land to be sold for development. The community council shared this concern and first discussed the issue at our November meeting, with many local residents in attendance. We agreed at that meeting to set up a separate open discussion on the sale of the land at Sunnylaw, with all interested groups agreeing to come along. The purpose of the group is to explore options for keeping the land in community use and ownership for years to come.
At the first meeting of the Sunnylaw Land Group we heard ideas and suggestions from local groups and residents about how the community could purchase the land. We agreed at that meeting to contact the sellers and their agents to ask that the land was removed from the auction and consideration was given to gifting /transferring the land to the community. We have now heard back from the sellers to confirm they are happy to postpone auction of the land to allow a discussion with the community about options for purchasing the land.
Share your views
We have met twice since that first meeting to discuss our options and agree a way forward β with a first step being to undertake a community survey to understand the views of as many Bridge of Allan residents as possible. The survey will be launching soon and we hope you take a few minutes to give us your views. The survey will seek views about current and possible future use of the land, and options for funding a purchase. Some community groups have expressed an interest in using some of the land β we need to understand how residents feel about this.
A community purchase of the land ensures that it can remain as a public open space, which is in line with the current planning framework for the area through the Local Development Plan. We are also starting work on the development of a Local Place Plan for the area, which will give the Council a clear direction from the Bridge of Allan community on our priorities for our local community.
Do you have the skills to help?
A small group of interested residents, with support from a group of Community Councillors, have continued to meet and explore options for the purchase with a view to sourcing funding and offering on the land. While we have enthusiasm and commitment in the group, we donβt have all the professional knowledge, skills and experience that will be needed. Input from wider residents and those with that expertise is welcome as this process develops.