Bridge of Allan Community Survey now Open!

Bridge of Allan Community Survey now Open!

Bridge of Allan is a great place to live, work and visit.

With its rich history, vibrant local economy, river, parks and woodland walks, local/national transport links, and the excellence of Stirling University on its doorstep, the ‘Village’ is just an amazing place for people to come together.  

We want to work together with you, to build on all of that, making Bridge of Allan an even better place for the future.  To do this we are undertaking work to understand the collective aspirations of our community and set a clear plan for future priorities and projects designed by, with and for our community. 

Please take around 10 mins to complete the important community survey at this link: Community Survey

Paper copies of the survey can be picked up and dropped off at Bridge of Allan Library, Allan Water Papers and the Strathallan Pharmacy and Right Medicine Pharmacy. 

Please note the survey closes on Sunday 31st May.

March meeting minutes now available

March meeting minutes now available

Our March meeting minutes were approved at our last meeting and are now available to read in full by clicking here

At the meeting we discussed 

  • March Police report covered 20th Feb – 16th March and is included in full in the minutes.  You can contact the Community Police team at:
  • Common Good Fund Asset Transfer – You may remember the engage Stirling consultation to identify assets for transfer to the Common Good Fund. This asset transfer was discussed at the February Civic Panel meeting, where it was decided to defer a decision for legal matters to be considered.
  • Residents View – raised issues of status of the Royal Hotel which remains for sale.  Friends of Bridge of Allan informed us that on June 15th there will be a Picnic in the Park to mark the centenary of the Pullar Memorial Park. Difficulties surrounding navigating the closure of Sunnylaw Road.
  • Sunnylaw Land Bid– The Sunnylaw Action Group provided an update re the bid for community ownership.  Take a look at the detailed update provided in the minutes, and more recent update on our blog confirming that the communities offer has been accepted. 
  • Local Development Plan Call for Evidence Outcomes  – An interesting summary of results from Stirling Council’s recent survey for the Local Development Plan on priorities for Bridge of Allan Residents.  These finding will be also taken on board by the Bridge of Allan Local Place Plan Group
  • Update from Local Place Plan group– A survey will be launched to give residents an opportunity to comment on issues important to them.  April update  this survey is now live here: Take the Our Bridge of Allan Survey.
  • Succession Planning – Recruitment will start in April once the Sunnylaw activity has concluded.
  • Christmas Lights – Confirmation of switch on date as Sat 23rd November.  Discussion on more ways to receive donations.  
  • Tennis Courts – An application to CSET for funding to refurbish the MUGA was successful.  SC and the CC need to jointly accept the offer.  Some concerns around the liability, terms and conditions have been raised and need to be clarified with Stirling Council.
  • Planning report – no significant applications identified for discussion.  A representative from the GUALA/ UCP factory site has been in touch to talk about the future of the site.
  • Reports form our Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.

Minutes for the latest April meeting will be available after their approval at the next meeting.  However news on the progress of projects and local issues will also be shared via our website and social media accounts, so sign up to our mailing list or follow us to find out our news. 

Minutes from all our past meetings can be found on our meetings page

Sunnylaw Meadow secured for the Community of Bridge of Allan

Sunnylaw Meadow secured for the Community of Bridge of Allan

With huge thanks to the community of Bridge of Allan we are delighted to confirm that the community bid for ownership of Sunnylaw Meadow was successful!

As a result of the overwhelming community support we were able to submit a bid to the owners of the land at closing date on 27 March, and after a nail biting wait we were notified that our bid was successful.

The community purchase would not have been successful without the support of the residents of Bridge of Allan, whether that was offering words of support, completing and sharing our survey, offering a financial donation to support the purchase, putting up posters in the community or joining the action group who led the work.  We also want to say thank you to others in the community who had considered making a private offer on the land as an investment opportunity, but decided instead to withdraw in support of the community purchase. 

Our local lawyers, Mailers, are now working through details to finalise the purchase, and we’ll keep the community up to date with timescales for that.  In the meantime the Sunnylaw Action Group will continue to meet and plan for the ongoing management of the land, based on the almost 400 responses we received to our community survey.  One of our first tasks will be putting in place a regular maintenance schedule, so if you’re interested in helping with that please get in touch. 

All decisions on the future use of the Meadow will be progressed through Discover Bridge of Allan, our local Development Trust, who will hold the land in trust for the community.  To ensure you’re involved in decisions, and have the opportunity to have your say, please sign up for free membership if you haven’t already. 

We’ll soon be launching the Our Bridge of Allan survey – keep an eye out for further updates.

Thank you again to everyone for making this happen


Chair, Sunnylaw Action Group

Thanks to the concerned and interested local residents who brought this opportunity to our attention, the members of the Community Council, Ward Councillors, Discover Bridge of Allan and local residents working together as the Sunnylaw Action Group who have shown what great results can be achieved by working together for the benefit of the community.

April Meeting Agenda

April Meeting Agenda

Our next Community Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 16th April in the Allan Centre GP room.
The meeting starts at 7.30pm and any member of the public is welcome to attend.  We will be joined by people and organisations that work together for the people of Bridge of Allan, the community policing team, Friends of Bridge of Allan and elected representatives when their calender permits.  
This month we have on our Agenda:
👉 Police report – read it here
👉 Residents voice
👉 Tennis Courts – James from Stirling Council will be attending to answer questions about access and bookings to the courts
👉 Guala – Future of UCP Site
👉 Sunnylaw Land Bid – Success! see the latest update
👉 Local Place Pan
👉 Succession Planning/Co option
👉 Christmas Lights
👉 Weeding and litter issues
👉 Banking and post office provision
👉 Recycling Bin provision
👉 Well Road – Alexander Drive Footpath
👉 Planning Applications Report
Reports from our position holders – Chair and Secretary.
Flood Protection Scheme moves to Notification Stage

Flood Protection Scheme moves to Notification Stage

The planning of the Flood Protection Scheme for Bridge of Allan has been ongoing for some time now. 

See our updates from March 19th 2022,  and March 4th 2022

The process has now reached the notification stage with Stirling Council proposing the pictured option to take forward.  The notification stage is now open for 28 days to 23rd April 2024.  The new defence aims to protect 87 properties and 700 meters of road from flooding, with the scheme providing a 50 year standard of protection level.

The scheme will cost £15 million to construct and has been awarded 80% funding from the Scottish Government, with the remaining £3 million from Stirling Council. Work is scheduled to begin in the summer of 2026 and will last an estimated 12 months.

Stirling council will be holding two in-person meetings and two online meetings and would appreciate your participation:

In-person drop-in events will be held at Bridge of Allan library:

  • Tuesday 16th April 2024:  2pm- 7pm
  • Thursday 18th April 2024: 9am- 1pm

Online information sessions will be held via Microsoft Teams:

  • Wednesday 17th April 6pm- 7pm

You are asked you register your details for one of the meeting time slots by Monday 15th April. This will help Stirling Council to share meeting links and necessary materials in advance of the online session.  To register for the meeting or to request an alternative time, please email or call a member of the flooding team on 01786 404040

Interested in reducing flood risk on the Allan Water catchment? You might like to learn about what Forth Rivers Trust are doing upstream to implement Natural Flood Management

Check your local flood risk on SEPA’s interactive map:

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