A9 Northbound overnight closures at Dunblane, 31st March to 5th April

We have received this notification from AMEY who maintain Scotland’s North East Trunk Roads Network:

Amey is undertaking essential road marking and road stud improvements on the A9 northbound at Dunblane from Monday 31st March to Saturday 5th April.

The overnight work, which Amey is undertaking on behalf of Transport Scotland, will replace white lines and road studs on 5km of the A9 northbound carriageway, helping improve visibility and enhancing safety for road users.

Work will take place on the A9 northbound carriageway between Keir Roundabout and the B8033/Kinbuck off slip.

To ensure the safety of roadworkers and motorists the essential maintenance will be carried out using overnight road closures of the northbound carriageway from 7.30pm to 6.30am each night.

All traffic management is scheduled to be removed by 6am on Saturday 5th April.

The following diversions will be in place during the overnight road closures.

Northbound traffic on the A9 will be diverted at Keir Roundabout onto the B8033 through Dunblane. They can follow the route to gain access to the A9 northbound via the Kinbuck on slip.

Traffic wanting to access the A9 northbound at Stockbridge can join the A9 southbound to Keir Roundabout, then follow the B8033 through Dunblane to the A9 Kinbuck northbound on slip.

Northbound traffic looking to exit the A9 at Stockbridge for the A820, can take the B824 at Keir Roundabout and follow the route to join the A820.

The A9 southbound will remain open as normal during the works.

Please note, all schemes are weather dependent and may be cancelled or rescheduled if weather conditions are not favourable.

Road Works at Fountain Road Roundabout

Councillor Kleinman has sent this notification today (Tue 24th March)  regarding a gas leak at the Fountain Road roundabout:

 Today’s sudden appearance of 3-way traffic controls at the Fountain Road roundabout are due to a gas leak. Scottish Gas will be working there for at least a few days and after the leak is repaired the road excavation will stay in place for a further 5 – 7 days to ensure that the problem is fully resolved before filling in the excavation. This is standard practice.


February 2025 Minutes

Our February 2025 meeting minutes were approved at our last meeting (March 18th) and are now available to read in full by clicking here

At the meeting we discussed

👉 Matters Arising. The Secretary reported on a number of issues relating items at the last meeting, including Henderson St/Fountain Rd traffic calming measures, Active Travel Dunblane to Causewayhead troute, the Paterson Clock, and the dog fouling.  CC Member Karen McGregor had sent the Secretary a detailed report covering her activities in relation to Dog Fouling, Christmas Lights, Cash Machine, Defibrillators, and traffic calming measures for Henderson St.

👉Police Report – Covering the period 22nd January to 17th February 2025: available here

👉 Updates from Community Organisations -A monthly agenda slot for updates from other community groups. Councillor Kleinman spoke in his capacity as a trustee of the BOA Community Activities Group on some projects that are in the early stages, including the installation of Wi-Fi at the Allan Centre. Discover Bridge of Allan Chair Sarah Cameron reported on a number of items  with an update on the current board members, their AGM was held on Mon Feb 3rd, the Community Action Plan (CAP) published on their website is also available in print at the library, a donate button has been added to the website with two options – Sunnylaw upkeep or the General fund, they have roughly 270 members with new members encouraged to join. Friends of Bridge of Allan  Chair Graham Russell reported that their main activity has been clearing up after Storm Eowyn, there has been some routine maintenance, with some replanting at Blairforkie drive, also they are proposing a repeat of last years Picnic In the Park, in mid or late june.    

👉 Residents voice – 8 topics were raised by residents: 
  • Sunnylaw Road Closure – ongoing closure
  • Lower Westeron Wood – poor state of paths and trees
  • Lovers Lane path closure
  • Expense of Music License at the Christmas Lights Ceremony
  • Stirling Council Budget Cuts
  • Knockhill Bridge Works
  • Dogs on farmland
  • 103/105 Henderson St
👉 Planned Improvement Works  –  The Chair indicated it was hoped to have SC Officers at the next meeting to discuss the Henderson St traffic calming measures.
👉 Our Bridge of Allan Planning – The Local Place Plan working party are planning further engagement sessions. The deadline for the Local Place Plan has been extended until October. The Chair also reported on the Sunnylaw Meadow Management Committee which is a subcommittee of DBOA. Plans are being made for the first spring grass cut, and options for sustainable funding.
👉 Planning report – no new planning proposals of significance.  
👉 Chair’s Report – Items not covered earlier in the meeting:
  •  Paterson Memorial Clock: AC reported receiving good updates on progress from SC. 
  •  Co-Op: There appears to be a delay in the start of works and provision of a temporary store. When we have news it will be published on our website.
  • MUGA: CC with help from Gavin Drummond have secured funding for the resurfacing. Work with the agreed markings will start this spring.
  • SC Budget: As discussed in the January meeting, Chair has written to SC, with the letter published on our website (and facebook page). A response from SC was received thanking us for the input.
  • CC Vacancies: We will be launching a recruitment campaign this spring.  
  • Vacant Properties: 4 significant properties on Henderson street are of concern to the community:
  • The Royal Hotel, The former Police Station, 103 and 105 Henderson Street. Chair reported on responses she have received after  writing to the owners with responses from all except the Royal Hotel. CC Member Jenny Smith had reported to the Police  seeing children going over the fence to 103  
👉 Secretary’s report  – A round up of communications from our elected members, residents and newsletters.
👉  Treasurer’s report – In the Treasurer’s absence there was no report.
👉 AOB – CC member Jenny Smith reported on progress on the proposal for a ramp for wheelchair access to the Pullar Park Memorial. She also reported finding a den in the woods by Well Road, and Councillor Kleinman added he had called the fire service on seeing a fire there.

Minutes for the latest March meeting will be available after their approval at the next meeting in April.  However news on the progress of projects and local issues will also be shared via our website and social media accounts, so sign up to our mailing list or follow us to find out our news. 

Minutes from all our past meetings can be found on our meetings page

Stirling 900 Parade

Residents and visitors invited to play their part in spectacular Stirling 900 parade

Stirling Council have sent this invitation:

Residents and visitors are being invited to create a carnival atmosphere at the finale to the Stirling 900 anniversary celebrations by turning out for one of the biggest pipe band parades the city has ever seen.

The countdown is on for the spectacular gala event on Saturday, 29 March, which steps off from the esplanade at Stirling Castle at 12pm.

Fittingly, around 900 people, including 350 musicians and local community groups and organisations, will march an iconic route from the Castle through the city centre and over Stirling Bridge to Stirling Rugby Club.

Residents and visitors are being invited to line the streets of Stirling for the family-friendly parade, with lots of great vantage points along the route, which is expected to take around 45 minutes to complete.

At its conclusion, parade participants will gather on the pitch at Bridgehaugh for a large group photograph and family members and friends are also welcome to enter the Rugby Club grounds, where there will be a range of food and drinks vendors available.

A full FAQ for the event has been compiled to signpost residents and visitors to key information on the parade.

The parade will follow a showcase of Stirling’s dynamic and diverse culture at the Castle on Friday, 28 March – with the Stirling 900 celebrations concluding at a special ceilidh at the Albert Halls on the Saturday night.

Stirling Lord Provost, Elaine Watterson, said: “The finale parade will be a fitting way to cap a wonderful year of celebration for Stirling 900.

“Our people and communities have shaped the development of Stirling over the decades and centuries and it’s only right they take play a central role in our Saturday showpiece.

“We look forward to seeing members of the public throng the streets on the parade route through some of the most iconic landmarks in the country, enjoying the spectacle of the pipe and military bands and our wonderful community groups and organisations.

“Our people have made Stirling such a unique and welcoming place to live, work, entertain and enjoy. We look forward to coming together as one on 29 March.”

The City of Stirling Pipe Band will be at the forefront of the parade and Pipe Major Scott Methven said: “The parade is almost upon us and we can’t wait to play for the residents and visitors who will line the streets of Stirling to mark the end of the 900 celebrations.

“The response to our invite to come and play a part in this historic occasion has been wonderful, with bands and pipers the length and breadth of the UK set to join forces on March 29.

“It will be an amazing spectacle to see the pipe bands, other musicians and community groups making their way through the streets of the city from the Castle, over Stirling Bridge and onto Stirling Rugby Club. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity and we are very excited to take part.”

The finale events are being supported by Persimmon Homes (East Scotland) who are the headline sponsors of the Stirling finale 900 celebrations.

Neil Parry, Managing Director of Persimmon East Scotland, said: “At Persimmon, we are committed to building a lasting legacy in the communities in which we operate, and we know the celebrations of Stirling 900 will also live long in the memory of everyone who takes part.

“The parade promises to be a noisy and colourful coming together of the people of Stirling, as well as visitors to the city. It will be a real family-friendly event and we’re delighted to play our part in this historic milestone against so many iconic Scottish backdrops.”

Full list of confirmed ticketed events for the Stirling 900 finale celebrations:  

  • Thursday 27 March (6.30pm): A 900th anniversary edition of the Tolbooth Supper Club. More info and bookings.
  • Friday 28 March (6-8pm): Culture at the Castle event that celebrates Stirling’s cultural and creative talent. More info and tickets.
  • Friday 28 March (8-9pm): A free concert in the Great Hall of Stirling Castle, led by local musicians Evie Waddell and Neil Sutcliffe following the Culture at the Castle event. More info and tickets.
  • Saturday 29 March (12 noon): The Stirling 900 gala parade will be the centrepiece of the celebrations, setting off from Stirling Castle esplanade and weave its way through the city down to Stirling County Rugby Club.
  • Saturday 29 March (Doors 7pm): A Stirling 900 ceilidh will be the final fling of the finale weekend at the Albert Halls with the wonderful Katie Allen Trio as the ceilidh band. More info and tickets.
  • Each day from 10am to 5pm until 19 May: An exhibition at the Marcrobert Arts Centre featuring artwork and archival material from the University Archives and Art Collection which celebrate the history of the city and its cultural heritage.
  • Tues-Sat (10am-5pm) 8 March to 26 April: A free exhibition about belonging at The Tolbooth presented by GOSSIP Collective and emerging artists from across the world, some of whom have created their home in Scotland, called Find Direction Home exhibition.
  • Wed-Sun (10am-5pm) at the Smith Art Gallery and Museum: Stirling City Heritage Trust invites you to discover the stories of Stirling’s historic streets and how Conservation Area designation helps to protect the city’s unique historic environment.

For more details on all the Stirling 900 finale events, including the FAQ on the pipe band parade, please visit: https://www.yourstirling.com/whats-on/stirling-900-finale/

Photos credit: Whyler Photos/Stirling Council

Knockhill Bridge Refurbishment Update from BEAR Scotland

We have received notification from BEAR Scotland about the M9 Knockhill Bridge Refurbishment works , an extract follows here:

It remains our intention to commence work below this structure in April 2025. Our provisional start date is currently Monday 14th April, however we will provide further confirmation of this nearer the time. You may notice some minor mobilisation activities taking place to set the site up before this date.

We expect the works to be completed by the end of November 2025. For the majority of this period the road will be limited to a single lane of traffic controlled by temporary traffic lights. The maximum width of road that will be left open to vehicles will be limited to approximately 3.5m.

In the interests of workforce and road user safety, it will remain necessary to undertake certain operations with the road fully closed to traffic. However, these closures can now be limited to occasional overnight periods only, in order to minimise disruption. We will provide residents and other stakeholders advance notice of each of these overnight closures as and when their exact dates are known.

The full text of the notification is at this link: Bear_Scotland_Knockhill_Bridge_Stakeholder-Update-March-2025

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