Parking management around Cornton Vale Prison

Parking management around Cornton Vale Prison

We have been made aware in recent months of disruption to traffic cause by cars parking in the vicinity of the prison.
Stirling council have let us know that a temporary traffic regulation order (TTRO) to allow the installation of double yellow lines will come into force on 22nd January 2024. The Council’s lining contractor has confirmed that, weather permitting, the double yellow lines will be marked by this date.
Thanks to everyone who has been in touch about this and our elected members who have been working on the solution. We hope this resolves the traffic issues in this area.
January Meeting Agenda

January Meeting Agenda

Our next Community Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 16th January in the Allan Centre GP room.
The meeting starts at 7.30pm and any member of the public is welcome to attend.  We will be joined by people and organisations that work together for the people of Bridge of Allan, the community policing team, Friends of Bridge of Allan and elected representatives when their calender permits.  
This month we have on our Agenda:
πŸ‘‰ Police report  – officers send their apologies. See the January report here
πŸ‘‰ Residents voice
πŸ‘‰ Tennis Courts
πŸ‘‰ Sunnylaw Land Auction – read more about the Sunnylaw Land for sale here
πŸ‘‰ Local Place Plan 
πŸ‘‰ Christmas Lights
πŸ‘‰ Business Rates
πŸ‘‰ 103 Henderson Street Developer Contributions
πŸ‘‰ Post Office Provisions
πŸ‘‰ Planning Applications Report
πŸ‘‰ Common Good Fund Application  – BofA Primary School – See the updated BofA Common Good Page here
Reports from our position holders – Chair, Secretary, Treasurer
Sunnylaw Land Group

Sunnylaw Land Group

In November 2023, a plot of open space on Sunnylaw Road (between Mine and Mid Woods) was advertised for sale at auction.  The area, which comprises roughly 2.4 hectares, is shown on the image above.  This green space is currently open public space, and while privately owned it has been maintained by Stirling Council on behalf of the community.  However, this maintenance is due to end this year as the council looks to make savings. 

Many community members were concerned about the sale and the potential for the land to be sold for development.  The community council shared this concern and first discussed the issue at our November meeting, with many local residents in attendance.  We agreed at that meeting to set up a separate open discussion on the sale of the land at Sunnylaw, with all interested groups agreeing to come along.  The purpose of the group is to explore options for keeping the land in community use and ownership for years to come.

At the first meeting of the Sunnylaw Land Group we heard ideas and suggestions from local groups and residents about how the community could purchase the land.  We agreed at that meeting to contact the sellers and their agents to ask that the land was removed from the auction and consideration was given to gifting /transferring the land to the community.  We have now heard back from the sellers to confirm they are happy to postpone auction of the land to allow a discussion with the community about options for purchasing the land. 

Share your views

We have met twice since that first meeting to discuss our options and agree a way forward – with a first step being to undertake a community survey to understand the views of as many Bridge of Allan residents as possible.  The survey will be launching soon and we hope you take a few minutes to give us your views.  The survey will seek views about current and possible future use of the land, and options for funding a purchase.  Some community groups have expressed an interest in using some of the land – we need to understand how residents feel about this.

A community purchase of the land ensures that it can remain as a public open space, which is in line with the current planning framework for the area through the Local Development Plan.  We are also starting work on the development of a Local Place Plan for the area, which will give the Council a clear direction from the Bridge of Allan community on our priorities for our local community. 

Do you have the skills to help?

A small group of interested residents, with support from a group of Community Councillors, have continued to meet and explore options for the purchase with a view to sourcing funding and offering on the land.  While we have enthusiasm and commitment in the group, we don’t have all the professional knowledge, skills and experience that will be needed.  Input from wider residents and those with that expertise is welcome as this process develops. 

October meeting mintues now available

October meeting mintues now available

Our October meeting minutes are now available to read in full by clicking here

At the meeting we discussed 

  • Octobers Police report – 7 crimes in the period, minor assault, attempted vehicle theft, road safety, anti social behavior.
  • Community Police Email Address:
  • Residents issues: Flooding at Forth Park jcn, the future of UCP, pavement cycling, BOA -Dunblane cycle route
  • Vacancies on the Community Council – filled in November!
  • Update from Local Place Plan group–  just under Β£10,000 from the Common Good Fund awarded to Discover Bridge of Allan for a community consultation to support the development of an Local Place Plan for Bridge of Allan.
  • Christmas Lights – updates on sponsors, fundraising targets, switch on event panning
  • CC publicity – photo board and member info to be prepared for display
  • Planning report – no concerns highlighted
  • Reports form our Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.

Minutes for the latest November meeting will be available after their approval at the next meeting.  However news on the progress of projects and local issues will also be shared via our website and social media accounts, so sign up to our mailing list or follow us to find out our news. 

Minutes from all our past meetings can be found on our meetings page

Come along to our Christmas Lights Switch on Event

Come along to our Christmas Lights Switch on Event

πŸŽ„β„οΈOur Christmas Lights are now up and ready for Switch On β„οΈπŸŽ„
Please join your community in the Provost’s Park on Saturday December 2nd from 3pm.
3pm – Festive Music
3.30pm- 4pm – School Choirs – Fairview and Bridge of Allan Primary P5
4pm- Greetings from MSP Alexander Stewart
4.05pm Christmas Tree Lights Switch On
The Henderson Street Christmas lights will come on at dusk when the street lights come on (so cloud dependent!).
Thanks to our Christmas Lights team, arranging the lights logistics, a wide range of fundraising activities and pulling together the event.
Thanks to Friends of Bridge of Allan for all their help and making Provost’s park such a lovely festive space to celebrate in and enjoy all December.
We couldn’t do it without all your help, so if you enjoy the lights please consider supporting the Friends and donating to our Crowdfunder before the campaign closes on the 7th of December.
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