by Communications TEAM | May 22, 2023 | announcement, News
We are looking for volunteers to nominate themselves for memberhsip of the Community Council.
Community Councilors are people who care about their community and want to make it a better place to live. See what we have been working on during the past few years on our blog posts and meeting minutes.
- Supporting local groups with funding and finance
- Facilitating participation in planning
- Parking, speeding and roads issues
- Sharing information about local events and consultations
- Taking action on issues raised to us such as accessibility of the streetscape and dog fouling
You can download the candidate pack here. You will need to write a short statement about yourself, your interests and why you think you would make a good Community Councilor. You should live and be on the electoral register for the area you are applying for. You will need two people to support your nomination. They must be aged over 16 and registered on the electoral roll within the Bridge of Allan Community Council area.
Nomination forms must be sent as a hard copy with original signatures and recieved by 4pm on Wednesday the 7th of June.
During the last nomination campaign, not enough people put themselves forward for the Community Council to form.
So dont delay, your community needs you!
by Communications TEAM | May 1, 2023 | announcement, News
Meet up with friends and family at Coronation Events happening over the long weekend.
Then head over to the Strathallan Games park for the Fun Day.
The Fun Day invites the community to come together and create a lasting volunteering legacy from the Coronation weekend. Come and find out about the opportunities for you to get involved across the village whilst your young people enjoy some activities being laid on for them.
Activities will likely include: firelighting, marshmallow toasting, popcorn making, candyfloss, soft archery, crafts, tug o war, Static Flight Simulator, Resuci Annies to practice your CPR, Historical Displays of BofA, Artifacts and a pipe crawl and calls allowing, Community Police & Mountain Rescue. The activities and displays are being delivered by local volunteer Groups as part of The Big Help Out -Scouts, Guides, Air Cadets, Dr Welsh Trust, The Well House.
There will also be a BBQ on the go as well as representation from, Friends of Bridge of Allan, The Stroke Club, Teas Company, The Rotary, The Round Table, Parish Church and St Saviours Church. Let’s hope the weather is kind to us!
Feel free to bring a picnic rug/chairs etc.
Young people need to be accompanied by an adult.
by Communications TEAM | May 1, 2023 | announcement, News
Unfortunatly we didn’t have sufficient numbers of people nominate themselves to form a Community Council
If you value the work of a Community Council and would like to see it back up and running in Bridge of Allan please put yourself forward when the next opportunity arises. Everyone has a valuable skill or perspective they can offer to the team to work together to make Bridge of Allan a better place to live, work or visit.
by Communications TEAM | Apr 23, 2023 | announcement, Minutes, Planning
Our March meeting minutes are now available to read in full by clicking here
At the meeting we discussed
- The Police Report covering 18th Feb-20th March
- Community Action Plan update – we have been refelcting on progress on the last plan 2011-2016, so in need of a refresh! It is important all of the community is supported to contribute to a community plan so we are looking at ways to do this.
- Local Place Plan – we can share a Q&A document from the online session that our members attended on the 20th Feb. You can view a copy of the presentation here, although it covered the very basics.
- Hybrid meetings
- Mine Woods Community litter pick
- Planning – An application at Pendriech Farm sparked discussion of Local Landscape Areas, as the site is within the Western Ochils LLA.
- Reports form our Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
Minutes for the latest April meeting will be available after their approval at the next meeting. However news on the progress of our projects and local issues will be shared via our website and social media accounts, so sign up to our mailing list or follow us to find out our news.
Minutes from all our past meetings can be found on our meetings page
by Communications TEAM | Apr 15, 2023 | announcement, News
All are welcome to join us on Tuesday 18th April 7.30pm in the Allan Center GP room.
In the initial community council election procedure all existing members would have stepped down on the 14th April.
However this was changed at short notice so we have be finalising our room booking and agenda before announcing the details.
This month we will be talking about:
100 year anniversary of the War Memorial – We are wondering how best to mark this? Sharing old photos, what the memorial means to your family? something in person? marking it at the Rememberance service in November? – open to ideas
Community Action Plan – reflecting on achievements
Hawes Park – Improvements for parking
Local Place Plan
Coronation Event
Residents voice
Reports from our position holders – Chair, Secretary, Treasurer
Sent us your thoughts and comments here or to
by Communications TEAM | Apr 10, 2023 | announcement, News
We are looking for new volunteers to nominate themselves for the Community Council.
Community Councilors are people who care about their community and want to make it a better place to live. See what we have been working on during the past few years on our blog posts and meeting minutes.
You can download the candidate pack from this Stirling Council Webpage. You will need 2 people to support your nomination. They must be aged over 16 and registered within the Bridge of Allan Community Council area.
You will need to write a short statement about yourself, your interests and why you think you would make a good Community Councilor. Nomination forms must be sent as a hard copy with original signatures and recieved by 4pm on Wednesday the 19th of April .
Stirling Council are running a number of online information session this week and next
- April 12th 11.30am or 6pm
- April 14th 9.30am
- April 17th 11.30am
To join one of the meetings use the meeting information in this link
11th Bridge of Allan Scout Group and the Friends or Bridge of Allan are planning activities to mark the King’s Coronation. This will a Big Eat Out on Sunday the 7th of May, and a Big Help Out activity day on the 8th.
The Friends will also be planting a commemorative tree in the Triangle park on the 8th. More details to come soon