August Meeting Agenda

August Meeting Agenda

Our next Community Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 20th August in the Allan Centre GP room.
The meeting starts at 7.30pm and any member of the public is welcome to attend.  We will be joined by people and organisations that work together for the people of Bridge of Allan, the community policing team, Friends of Bridge of Allan and elected representatives when their calender permits.  
This month we have on our Agenda:
πŸ‘‰ Police report β€“Covering 17th June to 16th August: available here
πŸ‘‰ Allotment Association –  Jen from Bridge of Allan Allotment Assocation will be a present to talk about the newly formed assocaition.
πŸ‘‰ Residents voice
πŸ‘‰ Sunnylaw Meadow
πŸ‘‰ Local Place Plan
πŸ‘‰ Weeding
πŸ‘‰ Update from local community groups
πŸ‘‰ Proposed Telecommunications Upgrade
πŸ‘‰ Planning Applications Report
πŸ‘‰ Reports: Chair, Secretary and Treasurer

Candidates for Ward 3 By-Election

There are six candidates standing in the Dunblane and Bridge of Allan by-election on 15 August 2024.

Are you registered to vote and via your preferred method? If not you still have some time to register.

  • If you are not registered to vote, you must register by midnight on Monday 29 July to vote in the by-election. .
  • The deadline for applying for a postal vote or to make any changes to an existing postal or proxy vote is 5pm on Tuesday 30 July.
  • The deadline for new proxy vote applications is 5pm Wednesday 7 August

Find out more about each of the candidates on the Who Can I Vote For page for the by-election


2024 Chair’s report and elected position holders

2024 Chair’s report and elected position holders

On the 18th of June we held our AGM and elected our position holders.  Our long serving Chair Mike gave his annual report which can be read below.  Mike has been Chair since 2017 and has served the community with passion and dedication.  The Community Council Members thank Mike for his leadership and guidance over this time.

Good evening seems like no time at all since the previous AGM and I guess at my age time does slip by ever rapidly. 

Seems to me to have been a year when we fully recovered from the trials and tribulations of be inquorate early 2023 and have grown in strength and stature as the locally elected representative body in the Village.

We have in my view increased our profile and credibility through the invaluable input of our Comms Group and the leadership of Anna providing up to date news and information to the residents.

The Xmas lights annual event is now fully established and funded thanks to the working group and the local traders and the partnership support of the Friends.

We intervened on the surprise sale of greenspace on Sunnylaw road by calling a public meeting and establishing a local action group resulting in the final purchase of the land for the Community through local benefactors and subsequent management by the local Development trust.

The requirement by Stirling Council and the Scottish Government to create a Local Place Plan which will feed into the Strategic L.D.P has been at the forefront of input on our Planning agenda and is fronted by Amanda and Inga in partnership with Discover Bridge of Allan. Following a successful intervention at the Civic Panel clarifying the targeting of our Common Good Fund resources.

Local Planning is always on our agenda, and we have objected as and when appropriate e.g. on the redevelopment of the former Eagleton hotel and the Blairforkie Drive housing development and issues such as the future of the Royal Hotel and the former Police Station will no doubt be high on our future agenda.

Mike Watson


2024 Elected Position Holders

Chair: Amanda Coulthard

Vice Chair: Anna Doeser

Secretary: Leslie Harkness

Treasurer: Alasdair Taylor

Planning Officer: Inga Bullen

Communications Officer: Anna Doeser

The minutes of the 2022 AGM (there was no 2023 AGM) were approved and are now available here.  The Community Council Annual Accounts were also approved and can be viewed here.

Our Bridge of Allan Drop In Events – 27th June

Our Bridge of Allan Drop In Events – 27th June

We’ve had hundreds of responses to the Our Bridge of Allan survey – Thanks to everyone who has given us their views.

Come along to one of our drop in events at Bridge of Allan Parish Church to hear about the feedback received on Our Bridge of Allan Plan so far!

Thursday 27th June – 4pm-5.30pm and repeated later at 7-8.30pm

There will be a presentation highlighting emerging priorities and more opportunities to have your say and help us plan for Bridge of Allan’s future.

Tea, coffee and refreshments will be provided.

Our Bridge of Allan Consultation Event Poster-part-1

May meeting minutes now available

May meeting minutes now available

Our May meeting minutes were approved at our last meeting and are now available to read in full by clicking here

At the meeting we discussed 

πŸ‘‰ Police report – We have a new PC covering the Bridge of Allan area PC Rennie.  
πŸ‘‰ Residents voice – concerns re vegetation encroaching on pavements and derelict buildings. –  Remember you can riase issues directly with Stirling Council using the Report it function 
πŸ‘‰ Guala – Update from tour of site facilitated by Allan Currie.  Curently all possible options for the site are being considered.
πŸ‘‰ Sunnylaw Land: Solicitors are finalising the purchase. Discover Bridge of Allan will hold the land in trust and an Management Committee will now take on responsibility for the site.
πŸ‘‰ Tennis Courts/MUGA refurbishment – refurbished courts are curently free for the time being, with proposed fee being Β£5 per hour, Β£50 per year. Courts can be booked via the LTA clubspark site (registration needed).  Funding from CSET has been secured to refurbish the adjoining MUGA
πŸ‘‰ Local Place Plan – Communinty Engagement took place at recent events. The survey was extended (but is now closed).  The Local Place Plan document is beginign to be built up
πŸ‘‰ Waste Management Centre Bookings/ Fountain Road Play park – bookings are now needed to take your waste to the HWRC – see more info here
πŸ‘‰ Succession Planning/Co-option
πŸ‘‰ CC Public Liability Insurance
πŸ‘‰ Reported Drug Issue
πŸ‘‰ Planning Applications Report
πŸ‘‰ Common Good Fund Application – The CC voted to approve funding from the Common Good Fund for Bridge of Allan Primary school to refurbish their MUGA
Minutes for the latest June meeting will be available after their approval at the next meeting.  However news on the progress of projects and local issues will also be shared via our website and social media accounts, so sign up to our mailing list or follow us to find out our news. 

Minutes from all our past meetings can be found on our meetings page

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