September 2022 Meeting minutes

September 2022 Meeting minutes

Our September meeting minutes are now available, view a copy of the minutes here.

At the meeting we discussed 

  • The Police Report
  • Recruitment – our latest members Ros and Heather were co-opted
  • Tennis court – Stirling Council to meet with the Lawn Tennis Association to confirm how the refurbishment will progress
  • Haws Park, Riverside FC – Parking issues and solutions discussed
  • Henderson Street Speeding  – further clarity needed on the changes to bus stops (coming soon)
  • Planning – An update on Lecropt proposals (
  • Reports form our Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.

Minutes for the latest October meeting will be available after their approval at the November meeting.  Sign up to our mailing list or follow us on social media to find out our news.  Minutes from all out past meetings can be found on our meetings page

Travel Disruption at Keir Roundabout Oct 28-1st November

Expect disruption and adjust your travel plans next weekend

A section of the A9 trunk road at Keir Roundabout near Dunblane is set to benefit from a project delivering road surfacing improvements worth more than £380,000.

Amey, on behalf of Transport Scotland, is undertaking essential maintenance on the road from Friday 28th October until Tuesday 1st November.

The project will involve teams carrying out surface improvements to a section of the northbound carriageway immediately north of the roundabout, a section of the southbound approach and part of the Keir Roundabout circulatory.

To allow these works to be carried out in a safe and efficient manner for the workforce and motorists, traffic restrictions will be in place on the network in two separate phases.

Information shared with us about the works is also available from Traffic Scotland

Phase One: A full weekend contraflow will be in operation between 8pm on Friday 28th until 6am on Monday 31st October.

Phase One

  • During the contraflow, southbound traffic will be able to join Keir Roundabout from the B8033, and exit onto the B8033, A9 (non-trunk) and M9.
  • Northbound traffic will not be able to access the A9 (non-trunk) or B8033 exits.
  • The B824 exit will be completely closed during this phase of works.
  • A9 (non trunk) traffic from Bridge of Allan will not be able to join the A9 from Keir Roundabout and will be diverted during this phase.

The following diversions will be in place:

  • Traffic from Dunblane for the A9 (trunk) northbound should take the B8033 and A820 to join the A9 at Stockbridge Junction.
  • Traffic destined for the B824 can continue on the A820 before turning left onto the B824 signed for Bridge of Allan.
  • Traffic from the M9 for the B824 should continue north through the contraflow and take the A820 at Stockbridge Junction towards Doune and then turn left onto the B824 signed for Bridge of Allan.
  • Traffic from the B824 for Keir Roundabout all exits should travel north and turn right onto the A820, and then join the A9 northbound at Stockbridge Junction. Alternatively they can continue into Dunblane and then follow the B8033 to join Keir Roundabout southbound for the A9 (non-trunk) and the M9.
  • Traffic from the M9 for Dunblane should continue through the contraflow and take the A820 at Stockbridge Junction.
  • Traffic from the M9 for Bridge of Allan should exit at M9 Junction 10.
  • Traffic from the A9 (non-trunk) from Bridge of Allan should head south and take the A907 Alloa Road to the A91, taking the third exit at the roundabout towards Stirling. They can then take the third exit at Millhall Roundabout onto the A905 towards Stirling before rejoining the A9 (non-trunk) Burghmuir Road and then following the A84 (Drip Road, Back o’ Hill Road) to Kildean Roundabout. Motorway traffic may join the M9 northbound at Junction 10, and non-motorway traffic may continue on the A84 to Doune and then turn right onto the A820 towards Dunblane.
Phase Two: An overnight closure of the southbound approach and a section of the roundabout between 10pm -6am on Monday 31st October and Tuesday 1st November.

During the overnight closure, the exits for the A9 (non-trunk), M9 and B824 will remain open.

Traffic can join Keir Roundabout from the B8033 and A9 (non trunk).

The following diversions will be in place:

  • Southbound traffic from the A9 (trunk) should leave at Stockbridge Junction and follow the A820 to Doune before taking the A84 southbound to the M9 Junction 10. Motorway traffic will have access to the M9 and non-motorway traffic will have access to the A84/Stirling.
  • Northbound traffic from the A9 (trunk) wishing to access Dunblane will be diverted to Stockbridge to access Dunblane via the A820. Traffic may follow the B8033 through Dunblane to return to Keir Roundabout and continue on the A9 (non trunk) to Bridge of Allan.

We wish we had a map showing the diversion routes but none has been provided as yet, so we hope you can figure out from the descriptions what routes will be availbale.

All schemes are weather dependent and may be cancelled or rescheduled if weather conditions are not favourable.

News Roundup October 2022

News Roundup October 2022

Teas Company is an afternoon tea club for older people to enjoy some company make new friendships. They are looking for volunteers to support attendees with activities.  Could you lead sessions in arts and crafts, music or flower arranging?  All materials would be supplied.  If you are interested in getting involved please contact Douglas Dodds, your local councillor.

Bridge of Allan Fireworks

Your local charity fundraising Bonfire & Fireworks Night is back.  5th November 2022 from 6pm.  New for 2022 Think Circus Fire Performers and The Noise Committee.

Early Bird Discounted Tickets Now on Sale

Stirling and Bridge of Allan Roundtable want to thank everyone in the local community for your support with this event – we are just a small bunch of guys who want to raise funds for local good causes who are struggling right now and spread some long-awaited fun & cheer while we do it!

More info at

The Larder in Cornton continues to provide groceries to those who could do with the extra help during these difficult times.  The Larder volunteers work in partnership with Cornton Baptist Church, frequently hosting drop in sessions with Stirling Councils benefit adviser.  Recently the larder has receive funding from Cornton Credit Union and a collection supported by staff and pupils at Bridge of Allan Primary School.

A new wheelchair accessible picnic bench has been placed a slabbed area in Blairforkie Drive. Slabbed access links the bench area to the pavement.  The road will soon be marked with a disabled parking bay. In the picture Mike from the Community Council meeting up with Graham from Friends of Bridge of Allan; Jennifer from Bridge of Allan play together; Janie & Shelley from Discover Bridge of Allan.

Bus User Group

Could you help speak out for improvements on the 54/C48 bus routes?  We are looking for some who is a regular bus user and dependant on public transport, you should be prepared to meet up a few times a year to discuss and share ideas.  You will work as part of a bus user group with other bus passengers from different bus routes providing feedback on their local bus services.  Get in touch with us at if you are interested in this role.

Thanks to Sheila McGregor for letting us use her photo of Memorial Park in slightly warmer times. 

October Meeting Agenda – Oct 18th 7.30

October Meeting Agenda – Oct 18th 7.30

Our next meeting is to be held on Tuesday 18th of October at 7.30pm in the Allan Centre.  All are welcome to attend, see the full line up here

This month we will be covering quite a lot of topics: The Police Report, Christmas Lights, Recruitment, Tennis Courts, Community Grit Bins, Rememberance Day Service, Primary School Winter Window, Mountain Bike Trails, Community Action Plan review, Development Meeting, Planning Report, reports from our Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and Residents Voice where you can make your comments or questions.

At this meeting we will review and approve the minutes from our last meeting in September.  These will then be available on our website shortly after the meeting to allow for any amendments.

If you go down to the woods today

If you go down to the woods today

We are lucky to have some great greenspaces right on our doorstep: Park of Kier, Haws Park, Mine Wood, Mid Wood and the Kippenrait Glen to name some.  We all have a right to enjoy these spaces responsibly, bikers, walkers, runners, chatting or playing young and old.  This should be in way that respects the natural environment and other people as set out in the Scottish Outdoor Access Code.  Unfortunately this is not always followed and we are often informed by concerned residents to see if the Community Council can help resolve issues.

Den building can be a fun activity to do in the woods, but you should never cut down living trees or damage trees in the process.  We were disappointed to see that a number of saplings had been cut and bark damaged.  If you bring any unnatural material such as rope or a tarp you should take this away with you.

A number or residents alerted us to this, and some kind people removed the rubbish and put out a smoldering fire.  Thanks to those who pick up after others.  There really is no excuse for leaving the woods in such a state.

Mountain bikers from all around come to enjoy the natural trails in the Mine Wood and surrounding areas.  All the paths in Mine wood are shared paths for the use of bikers, runners, walkers, locals and visitors.  We should all be aware of others using the space and be ready to give way and let others know we are coming, making eye contact, ringing a bell or calling out “on your left/right” .  The majority of people using the path are courteous and responsible however there are some pinch points and sections of path that would benefit from some more active management to follow a safer design.

Recently some bike jumps have been constructed without permission of Stirling Council the land owner.  Stirling Council Access and Greenspace officers will be reviewing the trails and working to encourage to responsible use.  Developing Mountain Biking in Scotland have offered to meet on the site and work together.  Their work ensures that the right trails are in the right place and managed by the right people.

Make sure when biking here that you Do the Ride thing – Prepare – Share  – Care.

A dozen mattresses were fly tipped on the Glen Road.  Fly tipping is illegal and blights the countryside.  The council Community Safety team investigated the incident and believes they will be able to identify the culprits.   The removal of fly tipped material is the responsibility of the land owner, however in this case the volunteers at Friends of Bridge of Allan loaded up the mattresses onto a trailer and removed them to the tip. 

Stirling council has recently re-established its Greenspace Ranger service.  We will work with them on encouraging our community to use the spaces responsibly, improving access where steps, styles or rails have degraded, planning for improving biodiversity. 

Thanks to everyone who got in touch on this issue and your offers of support.  Do you or your group have good or bad experiences of using our greenspaces?  What would you like to see changed to make things better for all users?

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