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Source: BofACC
Source: BofACC
Mike Watson – Chair I moved to Beautiful Bridge of Allan 42 years ago with my wife Carol to start a new career in Local Government. Part of my original remit was the development and running of the Allan Centre as a full time Youth Centre supported by a dedicated group of local Volunteers. I have been a member of the Community Council for 8 years and a Volunteer and former committee member with the Friends of BoA. I am also involved with Old Glen Road development group
Carol and I both love the ambience of the Village and have raised two children Sarah and Calum both of whom have moved on . We are now delighted expectant grandparents. I am looking forward to another year on the Council working with good friends and colleagues in maintaining the quality of life in the Village.
You can contact me via chair@ccbridgeofallan.org.uk
Sandra Davidson (nee Bremner) – Vice Chair
Born and brought up in Bridge of Allan, my family have links with the village going back more than 150 years. I am married with five children and I am delighted to have been able to bring them up here.
I decided to join the Community Council to give people a voice on local issues no matter how large or small.
I can be contacted on 07593 673882 or via email at mummyfive@hotmail.com
Janie Meikle Bland
Community Engagement
I have lived in Bridge of Allan with my husband Stuart and our three children since 2013 and I joined the Community Council shortly after moving here. Rural Stirlingshire was our home for a number of years and we decided to settle in the village following a several years living abroad. Now home, as well as being a community councillor, I am involved in the arts and education through my business and as a trustee of Creative Stirling CIC. I can be contacted on 07446 223968.
Vicky McDowell – Flood Group
I have lived on Fountain Road since 2007. Originally from Northern Ireland I came to Edinburgh to go to university 20 years ago and never really left. I live with my husband, Andrew, and sons, Calum (4) and Aaron (2) and we enjoy the community feel and facilities of Bridge of Allan. I work for Glasgow Airport as a commercial manager working with the airports retailers to provide shops and restaurants for passengers and visitors. When I am not working I like to be around Bridge of Allan and try to shop locally as much as possible. I would love to say that I enjoy horse riding, sailing and going on spa weekends however the reality is that this is just in my dreams and 2 small people and a busy job mean time is rather limited so a more accurate, but just as rewarding, description of my free time is the odd gym session and many visits to soft play centres, swimming pools and kids attractions.
Contact details – Email mcdowellvicky@mac.com. Phone 07962206556
Michael Burt – Community Engagement
I moved to Bridge of Allan in 2008. Owner of two gardening businesses I have now firmly put down roots (pardon the pun) in the village. I love spending time with my wife and two daughters and enjoy relaxing, dining & eating ice cream in the village. I joined the Community Council in November 2013. I can be contacted either by email on michael@vialiigardendesign.co.uk or by phone on 07999 943765
Nick Yarrow
I moved to Bridge of Allan with my wife Anne and children from a small village in rural Bedfordshire in 1971, Anne was happy with the environment and a good place to bring up the family, from my point of view the central location and proximity to the airports and motorway network was ideal for running my electrical business. The children have all moved on, three of them still live in the village, we get enormous joy seeing our grandchildren who all live close by.
I decided to join the community council to see if I can help in any way for the continuing preservation of the village and assist the existing members in any way I can. My principle interests are sport and safety (Traffic).
I can be contacted by email on nickyarrow@hotmail.com or by phone 07732268550
Marie Gardner – Treasurer
I arrived in Bridge of Allan in February 1996, on a 3-month student exchange programme with the University of Stirling, and met my husband Andrew within 2 weeks.
Fast forward 20 years, we live on Churchill Drive and our 2 children attend Bridge of Allan Primary School, where Andrew was also a pupil.
Whilst we lived in Edinburgh for almost four years as I trained as a Chartered Accountant, we came back to Bridge of Allan most week-ends to enjoy its relaxing atmosphere. It was only natural for us to return and establish firm roots in the village once we got married in 2003 and looked forward to bringing up children here.
Joining the Community Council is my way of giving a little back to our lovely village.
You can contact me on Mariegardner74@gmail.com
Leslie Harkness – Secretary
In terms of personal background, I am married with a grown up son and daughter, one grandchild and another on the way. When I retired seven years ago after forty years in teaching, I held the post of Depute Rector in a large secondary school although, for the last five years of my career, I had spent much of my time in the Education Authority’s headquarters, working with a group of senior education officers on the development and delivery of presentations for primary and secondary head teachers on the effective quality management of schools.
My wife and I are relative newcomers to Bridge of Allan, having moved here just over eighteen months ago, and living in this lovely and confident town has been an absolute joy, with the stunning backdrop of the tree shrouded hilly slopes above the town, the impressively grand old stone houses, the enchanting riverside setting, its beautiful park, the delightful rural walkways, the strong and tangible sense of community, the welcoming friendliness of the people and the healthy and vibrant social mix in the town.
Essentially, there were two reasons for putting myself forward for the Community council. Firstly, I have always believed that a balanced life includes some level of voluntary work for the community. In my own case, I was a member of the Children’s Hearing system for sixteen years, chairing literally dozens of panel hearings and also serving as a tutor for new volunteers and, later in my working life, I was a volunteer with Monklands District Hospital Radio Service, both as a presenter and as a member of the station’s board. Secondly, I hope that becoming more involved in, and serving, my new community and getting to know it in a more significant way, particularly at a time of challenging issues facing the town, will provide a worthwhile and personally fulfilling experience.
You can contact me via ccsec@ccbridgeofallan.org.uk or via telephone 01786 396549 or on my mobile 07582709322
Siobhan Hencher
Originally from Bishopbriggs, Glasgow, I moved to Bridge of Allan 10 years ago as I married a Dunblane man and worked in the Dunblane Centre. My husband Michael and I live here with our seven children (5 boys and 2 girls aged 13, 12, 10, 9, 8, 5 & 1) not forgetting our 4 cats & 2 dogs.
I am self-employed & have been involved in the Dunblane Centre since it opened in 2004 in many capacities..from teaching children's & adult holistic exercise classes & training courses, meditation groups, therapies etc to gymnastics/Acro classes & volunteering to help create garden design plans and for their Sparklify Zone (magical outdoor space for all ages).
My hobbies are pretty much hanging out with my small Clan, teaching them to find their way in the world and the older they get I find that being a taxi driver & bank of mum seem to be hobbies too!
I really love living in our special little village..it reminds me of our time living in Glasgow's West End (without the pollution), with the Uni, all the fab shops, eateries and meeting people from all walks of life…with the added benefit of being 5 minutes drive to the peacefulness of Sherrifmuir.
I nominated myself for the CC as I am genuinely interested in making this village an even more brilliant place to live in and visit.
You can contact me via shencher@aol.com or 07747800801
Iain McCusker – Planning Liaison
Originally from Dunblane, I moved to Bridge of Allan in 2004 with my wife. We believe that Bridge of Allan is a great place to live and bring up our two children. I have worked in the public sector for almost 30 years and bring significant project management experience as well as enthusiasm to make a difference. I have witnessed the fantastic projects undertaken by the Community Council and I want to play my part in keeping the village atmosphere and pleasant surroundings that make Bridge of Allan what it is today. I seek to represent the community in a positive way to ensure that Bridge of Allan continues to be a great place to live, work and play!
Community Councils exist under statute and run with between 7 and 15 members, depending on the size of the community they represent. Representing a community of almost 7,000 residents, our Community Council can have up to 15 members. Membership is voluntary, with formal elections being held every three years. Office bearers are elected on a yearly basis.
Further information, including our constitution can be found below.
Source: BofACC