Our August meeting minutes were approved at our last meeting and are now available to read in full by clicking here

At the meeting we discussed

👉Police Report – Covering the period 17th June to 16th August: available here

👉Bridge of Allan Allotments –  Jen the Secretary of the Bridge of Allan Allotment Association provided an update on Allotments site in the Haws park, the group now has charity status.

👉 Sunnylaw Meadow: The sale has not yet completed, the management committee continues to meet and consider the future of the site.  Check for news and updates on the Discover Bridge of Allan Community pages.

👉 Local Place Plan – More engagement to come towards end of year. LPP has to be ready by April 2025.

👉 Tennis Courts – Although the courts are available to book on Clubspark just now they are not “Officially” open.  Charges will eventually apply to bookings with the exception of free slots 10-11 on Saturday and Sunday.

👉 Sunnylaw Road Closure –  The road will remain closed until it is safe to re-open, the TRO is in place until 5th November 2024.

👉 Weeding – A big thanks to the work of Friends of Bridge of Allan for weeding and keeping the village tidy

👉 Telecommunications Upgrade – The proposed upgrades to mobile coverage is not going ahead (see the plan)

👉 Chair’s Update – Funding is secure for the re surfacing of the MUGA, Membership changes were discussed.

👉 Community Groups – A monthly agenda slot for updates from other community groups.  Friends of Bridge of Allan are shortlisted for the Inspire Volunteering Awards 2024 in the Environment Category, good luck!

👉 Secretary’s report  – A round up of communications from our elected members, residents and newsletters

👉 Treasurer’s report  – Funds for the Larder fund are to be transferred over to the Cornton Baptist Church

👉 AOB – Scottish water top up taps, Haws park defib, Remembrance memorial service

Minutes for the latest September meeting will be available after their approval at the next meeting.  However news on the progress of projects and local issues will also be shared via our website and social media accounts, so sign up to our mailing list or follow us to find out our news. 

Minutes from all our past meetings can be found on our meetings page

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