We have received this invitation from the Stirling Photography Festival  for Community members, groups and events to submit photographs for a special Stirling 900 commemorative book.

The Stirling Photography Festival are delighted to be partnering with Stirling District Tourism to produce this unique photo book celebrating Stirling 900, and we would love to include photographs of events and organisations, showcasing the best of what happened in Stirlingshire this past year.

The photo book aims to capture the people and the place, in a curated collection of images taken during this special year. You can read more about it on the What’s On Stirling website.

Our aim is to produce a book that showcases the breadth of all our community events in 2024/25 – highland games and agricultural shows, sports matches, music, arts and cultural events, as well as the people in our community working and celebrating.

Details about the book and how to submit are on the website : https://www.stirlingphotographyfestival.co.uk/stirling-900-1

Closing date for submissions is  7th April

For information about the Stirling 900th Anniversary Weekend 28-29th March vist the website: https://www.yourstirling.com/whats-on/stirling-900-finale/


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