I’m Charlotte a Senior Care Assistant at Wallace view Nursing Home we are one of Stirling’s most popular homes due to our amazing care team, health professionals, catering staff and management team. Our team is trained to specialised in residents living with, Alzheimer’s, Cancer Care, Challenging Behaviour, Parkinson’s Disease, Stroke, Dementia and more. Every day we are trying to improve our resident’s quality of life to our best abilities, ensuring all our residents have equal opportunities to feel involved in activities. We want to be able to add a ‘Cycling Without Age’ scheme into our home. Wallace view Nursing Home wants to help the elderly get back on their bicycles, and we’ve found the solution to their limited mobility. The answer is trishaw bikes. We want to give our residents an opportunity to remain an active part of society and the local community.
Cycling Without Age is based on generosity and kindness. It starts with the obvious generous act of taking one or two elderly or less-abled people out on a bike ride. It’s a simple act that everyone can do. Any funding that we are able to obtain will help us get a step closer to getting our trishaw bikes and our residents to feel trust, happiness and help improve their quality of life. One of our aims of having our trishaw bikes is to use our mini bus less. We are only an 8-minute drive (1.9 miles) away from our shopping centre, Stirling has many cycle routes that would allow us to use to safely get into town. In many years’ time when our bike becomes frail there is a local “recyke-a-bike” shop that we would happily donate our bike too so we know it has been disposed of appropriately. I have a set personal fundraising goal of £7,000. Everyone at Wallace view and myself would be extremely grateful if you could help contribute to making our residents life’s better. I would be honoured if our local community would join us at Wallace View Care Home on 24th August at 2pm to participate in listening to our presentation held by Christine Bell, Scotland’s Community Captain. Christine will be explaining more about ‘Cycle without Age’ and how you can help. We will have a trishaw bike to show everyone and give it a try if you would like too.
We are a dedicated team and we are confident we will achieve our goals. Cycling Without Age gives older people in residential care or otherwise stuck in their own homes the chance to get out into the fresh air. Specially adapted Trishaws take these people out on Traffic Free routes, pilots and older people share stories and experiences. Already a tremendous success in more cycling friendly countries such as Denmark and the Netherlands, Scotland’s first chapter was started in Falkirk where the scheme gained national attention and has won prestigious recognition at the Pride of Britain awards. We’d like the older people of Stirling to benefit from such a worthwhile, rewarding and life-affirming project. Please be a part of making our success happen, we can’t do it without your generosity!
If you would like any following information please don’t hesitate to contact me and I would be grateful if you could let me know if you can attend.
Kind Regards