The response from Stirling’s people during the Covid-19 situation has been amazing, with over 200 individuals, groups, third sector organisations or organisations coming forward to offer support to others so far. Stirling Council and Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise (SVE) will now start working closely with this network to support those most in need.

Support Requests

If you are vulnerable, or you know of somebody who is vulnerable, self-isolating and has no immediate support available:

Call 01786 404040


Please let us know who needs support, how to contact them by telephone and if they have any condition we need to know about.

They will be contacted and one of our Local Co-ordination Teams will look at the most appropriate way of getting support to them, through the local Community Response Groups, Third Sector organisations, a local volunteer or more formal support if they require it.

General information on local services is available on the Council website and advice on Covid-19 is available on the Government and NHS websites. People can still volunteer to support this effort through the site.

Thank you for your continued support.

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