Have you joined the Big Conversation yet?
Many have already taken part in our survey to help address some of the key issues facing the Stirling area against a backdrop of ongoing financial challenges and changing demographics. We need to make £17m of savings over the next 4 years on top of the £30 m of savings we have already made since 2012. We are review and transforming how we deliver our services to ensure we are doing things in the most cost effective way. We would like you to help us shape these services tailored to suit your needs.
Your help and input is truly invaluable, so make sure you have your say. You can take the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/LXCSGD2
A big thank you to everyone who has taken part so far – we’ll be sharing some of the great ideas and suggestions that have come forward very soon.
We would appreciate if you could forward round your networks. We want to hear from you, the people who live and work in our communities.
Please complete the survey and have your voice heard. The survey closes on16th September