Our October meeting minutes are now available, view a copy of the minutes here.

At the meeting we discussed 

  • The Police Report
  • Recruitment – our newest members Emma, Heather and Robin gave a brief introduction.
  • Tennis court – the refurbishment of the courts is still planned, the next steps are for Stirling Council to arrange for tree and flood surveys to be carried out
  • Christmas Lights – The lights had been inspected and tested.  Work underway to raise sponsorship.  (This has progressed well over the last few weeks, this lights are now up! Switch on is happening Dec 3rd, you can keep these lights shining for the next few years by supporting our Crowdfunder)
  • Community Grit Bins – A full survey of the bin situation has been completed. 4 new locations to be proposed to Stirling Council.
  • Mine Wood – Stirling Council had been to look a the site where bike jumps had been created and trees damaged.  We will work so that all users of the woods can enjoy safe and equal access.   
  • Community Planning – We discussed the Community Action Plan which is ready for updating. (Work is now progressing to take stock of what we have achieved of the plan to date).  We also talked about Local Place Plans which will feed into the Council’s Local Development Plan.
  • Planning – We are working on adding more planning content to our website.  2 Applications of interest . A house in Lecropt.  Change of the old Tesco building to a Dentists – refused on a few grounds (since re submitted), decisions still awaiting for Blairforkie drive, Lecrop Hill, The Ivy hotel.
  • Reports form our Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.

Minutes for the latest November meeting will be available after their approval at the January meeting.  However news on the progress of our projects and local issues will be shared via our website and social media accounts, so sign up to our mailing list or follow us to find out our news. 

Minutes from all out past meetings can be found on our meetings page

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