Our June meeting minutes were approved at our last meeting and are now available to read in full by clicking here

At the meeting we discussed

👉 Matters Arising – A big thanks to Friends of Bridge of Allan for the excellent Picnic in the Park event, an update on the refurbishment of the Co-op store, an application to the Common Good Fund, grass cutting and the primary school zebra crossing.
👉Police Report – Covered events from 20th May – 17th of June.

👉 Sunnylaw Road Closure –  A representative from Stirling Council’s Road maintenance team outlined the factors contributing to the road closure.

👉 Guala – Allan Currie attended to talk about options for the future of the site.
👉 Residents view – The issue of weeds in pavements and car parks was discussed
👉 Sunnylaw Land: Solicitors are still finalising the purchase. Discover Bridge of Allan will hold the land in trust and an Management Committee will now take on responsibility for the site.
👉 Tennis Courts/MUGA refurbishment – refurbished courts are currently free for the time being, with proposed fee being £5 per hour, £50 per year. Courts can be booked via the LTA clubspark site (registration needed).  Funding from CSET has been secured to refurbish the adjoining MUGA
👉 Local Place Plan – communality Engagement took place at recent events. The online survey received around 450 responses, with paper responses to be added. Drop in sessions were held on the 27th of June to outline findings so far and an opportunity to comment.
👉 Succession Planning/Co-option – Graham accepted full membership and Kathryn was co-opted as a new member.  See all our member bios here 
👉 Planning Applications Report – Scottish water are proposing tree planting at the Cocksburn Reservoir
👉 Stirling Shinty Club – Sandy from Stirling Camanachd spoke about the club, which is now using the Haws park for training and matches.  Seniors on thursday evenings 7.30pm and Juniors Saturday 9am.  New players welcome.  Check out their facebook page
Minutes for the latest August meeting will be available after their approval at the next meeting.  However news on the progress of projects and local issues will also be shared via our website and social media accounts, so sign up to our mailing list or follow us to find out our news. 

Minutes from all our past meetings can be found on our meetings page

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