Sunnylaw Action Group Update – March 2024

Sunnylaw Action Group Update – March 2024

Lots has happened since our last update in February, with the action group meeting fortnightly to ensure we’re in the best possible position to secure ownership of the Sunnylaw land for the community.

As well as launching our community survey, which is open until Friday 15 March, we have been working on our bid for the purchase.  We want to tell the owners of the land more about our community and why selling this land to us would mean so much.  The responses we’ve had to the survey so far have helped us tell that story – so thank you to the 350 of you who have already responded.  If you haven’t had a chance to respond yet, please take a few minutes to complete the survey – the more responses we have the stronger our case is.

We heard this week that we can’t use the Common Good Fund to buy the land – this was always a possible outcome, and while it’s disappointing, it’s not the end of our bid.

A number of very generous local residents have pledged financial support to allow us to privately fund a bid on the land, which will give us the funding to make an offer as planned.  If that’s something you’d be interested in discussing please get in touch with the group through before the 18th March.

Not only do we have the funding to make an offer but our very own Development Trust, Discover Bridge of Allan, is in a position to act as the holder of the land for the community.  This means that the future management of Sunnylaw would be co-ordinated through the trust, and that any decisions about how to use it would be made through the community. 

Everyone who lives in Bridge of Allan can become a member of the trust for free, ensuring you’ll have a say in any decisions about Sunnylaw once its in community ownership.

We’ll update you again closer to the closing date for the land – get in touch through this page if you want to find out more.

Sunnylaw Action Group Update – March 2024

Update on Sunnylaw – Survey Launched

Since our last update in December the Sunnylaw Action Group has been working on options and idea for the possible purchase of, and future use of, the land on Sunnylaw Road (shown in the map below).  

The land will be sold at a closing date at the end of March, and we want to gather as many community views as possible to help us decide on next steps. 

You can complete the survey here Https://

The surevy will be open until Friday 15th of March. 

Please share the survey across your contacts and networks.

The group will meet fortnightly until the end of March, with further progress updates shared via our website and social media.


Sunnylaw Action Group Update – March 2024

Sunnylaw Land Group

In November 2023, a plot of open space on Sunnylaw Road (between Mine and Mid Woods) was advertised for sale at auction.  The area, which comprises roughly 2.4 hectares, is shown on the image above.  This green space is currently open public space, and while privately owned it has been maintained by Stirling Council on behalf of the community.  However, this maintenance is due to end this year as the council looks to make savings. 

Many community members were concerned about the sale and the potential for the land to be sold for development.  The community council shared this concern and first discussed the issue at our November meeting, with many local residents in attendance.  We agreed at that meeting to set up a separate open discussion on the sale of the land at Sunnylaw, with all interested groups agreeing to come along.  The purpose of the group is to explore options for keeping the land in community use and ownership for years to come.

At the first meeting of the Sunnylaw Land Group we heard ideas and suggestions from local groups and residents about how the community could purchase the land.  We agreed at that meeting to contact the sellers and their agents to ask that the land was removed from the auction and consideration was given to gifting /transferring the land to the community.  We have now heard back from the sellers to confirm they are happy to postpone auction of the land to allow a discussion with the community about options for purchasing the land. 

Share your views

We have met twice since that first meeting to discuss our options and agree a way forward – with a first step being to undertake a community survey to understand the views of as many Bridge of Allan residents as possible.  The survey will be launching soon and we hope you take a few minutes to give us your views.  The survey will seek views about current and possible future use of the land, and options for funding a purchase.  Some community groups have expressed an interest in using some of the land – we need to understand how residents feel about this.

A community purchase of the land ensures that it can remain as a public open space, which is in line with the current planning framework for the area through the Local Development Plan.  We are also starting work on the development of a Local Place Plan for the area, which will give the Council a clear direction from the Bridge of Allan community on our priorities for our local community. 

Do you have the skills to help?

A small group of interested residents, with support from a group of Community Councillors, have continued to meet and explore options for the purchase with a view to sourcing funding and offering on the land.  While we have enthusiasm and commitment in the group, we don’t have all the professional knowledge, skills and experience that will be needed.  Input from wider residents and those with that expertise is welcome as this process develops. 

Sunnylaw Land Sale added to November Agenda

Sunnylaw Land Sale added to November Agenda

Our November agenda has been updated to include an item on the Sunnylaw land sale.

We became aware of this land auction, with a date set for December 7th, only last week.  We have made enquiries to establish that the land is in private ownership.

The area is a well used and appreciated green and open space for recreation.  In discussion with local elected members and neighboring residents we are looking into all options to retain this public amenity space.  We have contacted the seller and sought advice from community land scotland regarding potentially registering a Community Right to Buy.


Consultation Drumbrae woodland creation – 25th August

Consultation Drumbrae woodland creation – 25th August

The University of Edinburgh has recently purchased land at Drumbrae, by Sherrifmuir Road, north of Bridge of Allan, and has plans to create woodlands on the site to sequester carbon, improve biodiversity, and maintain access for local communities.

An early survey collected views on important to the community, this is now closed, and you can see a summary of the popular themes on the project webpage.  These responses will be used to inform aspects of the development plans for the site.   

The next phase of the consultation is a drop in session followed by an online survey.  The details of the drop in are:

  • When: 2pm to 8pm, Friday 25 August 2023
  • Where: Bridge of Allan Sports Club in the Minewood Suite.

All are welcome, no booking is necessary.

An online survey will be open from the 28th of August to 29th of September to receive feedback on the plans.

See the full timeline and a video about the project on the University of Edinburgh, Drumbrae web page

March Meeting Minutes now available

March Meeting Minutes now available

Our March meeting minutes are now available to read in full by clicking here

At the meeting we discussed 

  • The Police Report covering 18th Feb-20th March
  • Community Action Plan update – we have been refelcting on progress on the last plan 2011-2016, so in need of a refresh!  It is important all of the community is supported to contribute to a community plan so we are looking at ways to do this.
  • Local Place Plan – we can share a Q&A document from the online session that our members attended on the 20th Feb.  You can view a copy of the presentation here, although it covered the very basics.  
  • Hybrid meetings
  • Mine Woods Community litter pick
  • Planning – An application at Pendriech Farm sparked discussion of Local Landscape Areas, as the site is within the Western Ochils LLA.
  • Reports form our Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.

Minutes for the latest April meeting will be available after their approval at the next meeting.  However news on the progress of our projects and local issues will be shared via our website and social media accounts, so sign up to our mailing list or follow us to find out our news. 

Minutes from all our past meetings can be found on our meetings page

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