Rembrance Day Service

Rembrance Day Service

A short Service of Remembrance will be held on Sunday 13th November at the Memorial Park, Bridge of Allan at 2pm.

All are invited to pay our respects for lives lost in armed conflict, by acknowledging the sacrifice of our armed forces personnel, and our hope for a better future. 

Bridge of Allan Community Council and other local groups will be laying wreaths.

News Roundup October 2022

News Roundup October 2022

Teas Company is an afternoon tea club for older people to enjoy some company make new friendships. They are looking for volunteers to support attendees with activities.  Could you lead sessions in arts and crafts, music or flower arranging?  All materials would be supplied.  If you are interested in getting involved please contact Douglas Dodds, your local councillor.

Bridge of Allan Fireworks

Your local charity fundraising Bonfire & Fireworks Night is back.  5th November 2022 from 6pm.  New for 2022 Think Circus Fire Performers and The Noise Committee.

Early Bird Discounted Tickets Now on Sale

Stirling and Bridge of Allan Roundtable want to thank everyone in the local community for your support with this event – we are just a small bunch of guys who want to raise funds for local good causes who are struggling right now and spread some long-awaited fun & cheer while we do it!

More info at

The Larder in Cornton continues to provide groceries to those who could do with the extra help during these difficult times.  The Larder volunteers work in partnership with Cornton Baptist Church, frequently hosting drop in sessions with Stirling Councils benefit adviser.  Recently the larder has receive funding from Cornton Credit Union and a collection supported by staff and pupils at Bridge of Allan Primary School.

A new wheelchair accessible picnic bench has been placed a slabbed area in Blairforkie Drive. Slabbed access links the bench area to the pavement.  The road will soon be marked with a disabled parking bay. In the picture Mike from the Community Council meeting up with Graham from Friends of Bridge of Allan; Jennifer from Bridge of Allan play together; Janie & Shelley from Discover Bridge of Allan.

Bus User Group

Could you help speak out for improvements on the 54/C48 bus routes?  We are looking for some who is a regular bus user and dependant on public transport, you should be prepared to meet up a few times a year to discuss and share ideas.  You will work as part of a bus user group with other bus passengers from different bus routes providing feedback on their local bus services.  Get in touch with us at if you are interested in this role.

Thanks to Sheila McGregor for letting us use her photo of Memorial Park in slightly warmer times. 

If you go down to the woods today

If you go down to the woods today

We are lucky to have some great greenspaces right on our doorstep: Park of Kier, Haws Park, Mine Wood, Mid Wood and the Kippenrait Glen to name some.  We all have a right to enjoy these spaces responsibly, bikers, walkers, runners, chatting or playing young and old.  This should be in way that respects the natural environment and other people as set out in the Scottish Outdoor Access Code.  Unfortunately this is not always followed and we are often informed by concerned residents to see if the Community Council can help resolve issues.

Den building can be a fun activity to do in the woods, but you should never cut down living trees or damage trees in the process.  We were disappointed to see that a number of saplings had been cut and bark damaged.  If you bring any unnatural material such as rope or a tarp you should take this away with you.

A number or residents alerted us to this, and some kind people removed the rubbish and put out a smoldering fire.  Thanks to those who pick up after others.  There really is no excuse for leaving the woods in such a state.

Mountain bikers from all around come to enjoy the natural trails in the Mine Wood and surrounding areas.  All the paths in Mine wood are shared paths for the use of bikers, runners, walkers, locals and visitors.  We should all be aware of others using the space and be ready to give way and let others know we are coming, making eye contact, ringing a bell or calling out “on your left/right” .  The majority of people using the path are courteous and responsible however there are some pinch points and sections of path that would benefit from some more active management to follow a safer design.

Recently some bike jumps have been constructed without permission of Stirling Council the land owner.  Stirling Council Access and Greenspace officers will be reviewing the trails and working to encourage to responsible use.  Developing Mountain Biking in Scotland have offered to meet on the site and work together.  Their work ensures that the right trails are in the right place and managed by the right people.

Make sure when biking here that you Do the Ride thing – Prepare – Share  – Care.

A dozen mattresses were fly tipped on the Glen Road.  Fly tipping is illegal and blights the countryside.  The council Community Safety team investigated the incident and believes they will be able to identify the culprits.   The removal of fly tipped material is the responsibility of the land owner, however in this case the volunteers at Friends of Bridge of Allan loaded up the mattresses onto a trailer and removed them to the tip. 

Stirling council has recently re-established its Greenspace Ranger service.  We will work with them on encouraging our community to use the spaces responsibly, improving access where steps, styles or rails have degraded, planning for improving biodiversity. 

Thanks to everyone who got in touch on this issue and your offers of support.  Do you or your group have good or bad experiences of using our greenspaces?  What would you like to see changed to make things better for all users?

Join the Community Council

Join the Community Council

At our first in person meeting this week after 2 years on Zoom, we co-opted Robin on to the community council.  He was so keen to get involved he was given a task right away and will be looking in to the provision of grit bins so we are ready for winter.  Robin is also involved in a community resilliance group that will mobilise and help people during emergencies such as flooding.  More on that coming soon.

We are continuing the search for new members to put themselves forward to join us.   We have been actively working on many different community projects and initiatives, so it is more important than ever that all sections and voices of Bridge of Allan are represented on the Community Council.   We have 10 meetings a year usually held at the Allan Centre, but lots of work happens in between, keeping up to speed with emails, organising, planning, managing projects.

You can put yourself forward if you live in the Bridge of Allan area, are over 16, and are on the electoral register.  To nominate yourself you should complete this Co-option Nomination form and return it to by Septmber 1st.

Successful nominations will then be approved at our September meeting.  If you’re not sure and want to chat to one of us then please get in touch.

News Roundup August 2022

News Roundup August 2022

Blairforkie Drive Planning Application goes to appeal

Developers Allan Water Homes have submitted an Appeal to the Scottish Government since Stirling Council did not make a determination on their application within the statutory timeframe.  The Planning application is for 46 dwellings at Blairforkie Drive. The process now is that the Government’s Directorate for Planning & Environmental Appraisals (DPEA) has statutory responsibility to determine the Application.

All Objections previously lodged with Stirling Council in relation to the Planning Application have been transferred to DPEA who are obliged to consider. Allan Water Homes have submitted additional information, including an Appeal Statement, the Appeal documentation can be accessed here

The Save Blairforkie Drive Group is working with their Planning Consultant to make a submission to DPEA in response to AllanWater Homes Appeal Statement with a particular focus on Housing Land Supply issues which feature large in the Appeal Statement.  Take a look at the new reports submitted to keep up to date on this issue.  The period for interested members of the public to make representation ends on 11 August 2022. Any representations received by the deadline will be passed to the planning authority and agent/appellant for their comments.

Be a good neighbour – with the warm weather and rain showers your hedges might have had a growth spurt.  Be a good neighbour and trim these back from the footpath so people can pass safely.    Overhanging bushes and hedges can be a hazard, particularly for those with impaired vision or wheelchair users who cannot pass safely without leaving the pavement.

If you are out gardening and know your neighbours are unable trim back their hedges, why not call round and offer to help out.  If you dont know your neighbour or the issue is ongoing and troublesome you can report obstructions to Stirling Council via their contact centre.  They aren’t able to carry out the work themselves but will send  notice to the homeowner asking them to complete works within 21 days

Queens road closure

The road between Nick’s and the Queens hotel is closed until Augut 25th to allow for demolition of part of an unsafe building.  Due to the nature of these potentially dangerous works a full closure is required. This closure will effect vehicular and pedestrian access to Queens Lane. There will be a signed diversion to advise vehicles and pedestrians of the alternative route utilising New Road and Allanvale Road.

During this time Businesses are open as usual, so you can still go the the Allanwater Brewhouse you just have to go the long way round!

Bridge of Allan Highland Games is on this weekend Sunday 7th August.   Games day starts at 10am and closes 5pm.

You can expect food and drinks, a wide range of stalls, pipe banks, dancing heavyweight and wrestling events and more!

Ticket prices for BoA Highland Games

  • Adult ticket = £10
  • Concession ( Seniors, Student with student card) =£6
  • Children (<16) = £4
  • Family Ticket ( 2 adults + up to 3 kids) = £25

Tickets available on-line via their website or via Eventbrite

Cornton Foodbank

Councillors Tollemach and Dodds along with a committed group of volunteers continue to run The Larder, a vital service offering groceries for anyone in need at Cornton Baptist Church on a Tuesday morning.  A Stirling Council benefits adviser is also on hand to check on people’s situation and make sure no one is missing out on support they are entitled to.  Our thanks goes out to Bridge of Allan Car Rally for their support donating £1500 from their recent event.  Each week the Larder is supporting around 80 people.

Community Council Meeting

Our next meeting on 16th of August will be back in person at the Allan Center.  While we have been glad to be able to continue to operate online we are looking forward to seeing each other in person.  We have been wondering how to run meetings going forward to allow flexibility for our members and for the public to join in.  Would you come along to an in person meeting? Did you joing in while we were on line? Let us know.  

News Roundup July 2022

News Roundup July 2022

The Friends of Bridge of Allan received recognition for all the fine work they have been doing in the village receiving the Queens Award for Voluntary Services last month.  There will be a presentation in the Memorial Park this Tuesday 19th at 2pm.  The Lord Lieutenant will be presenting the award. Provost Dodds who nominated group will be there along with the past Provost and other guests.

We are Recruiting

You still have a chance to join our team here on the Community Council.  We are looking for more active members to help is take action on litter, speeding, improving community resources, sustainability project, community events, supporting local groups and more!  Get in touch if you want to know more, see our post here for more details  We are also looking for paid minute takers to attend meetings and type up the notes.  Rate of pay is £40 per meeting.

Water Safety

Be aware of water safety during the hot weather.  Police, fire and rescue and Air Ambulance responded to an event last week on the River Teith on the Carse of Lecropt.   It can be tempting to go for a dip in a river or loch while it is hot, but swimming in unsupervised open water can be extremely dangerous. Open water can become very cold just a few feet under the surface and can cause cramps or Cold Water Shock. Very cold temperatures can also affect your stamina and you may find your strength and ability to swim deteriorates rapidly. You might find yourself getting tired a lot more quickly than you would in a heated pool.  Be aware and make others aware of the risks.

A pesky reappearing pot hole on Kier Street has been reported.  It will be patched pending further investigation via excavation to solve this problem for good.

Diseased Trees

We have been informed that sadly 6 Ash trees in the Fountain road carpark have been found to be suffering from Ash Dieback Disease.   Unfortunately ADB is likely to kill majority of Ash trees in UK, and once symptoms are showing there is no way back.  There is also a risk of structural failure once symptoms are showing.  The Ash trees showing signs of dieback will be felled in the near future.

We have a Troll!  We have received a number of enquires asking if Jordan Mahon is a “Community Leader” at Bridge of Allan Community Council.  His Facebook profile makes this claim and he has been making hateful comments. He is not known to us, does he even live in the area, or is a real person.  Any representation for Bridge of Allan Community Council will come from our official pages and not individuals, all our true memebers are listed on our website: .  His account has been reported but since on Facebook you can claim to work for any organisation you like there is not a lot we can do!

Henderson Street modifications

You might see some changes happening on Henderson Street.   You may remember the consultation that ran in Jan, many of you submitted comments.  We are not aware of any Feedback published from this event, but have been forwarded the latest plans for the changes .  Plan 1 , Plan 2, Plan 3, Plan 4.

The changes going head are kerb adjustments and buildouts, new parking bays, Audible locator devices will be installed outside Allan water Café and old Tesco’s to aid visually impaired users. Speed activated signs will be installed in the vicinity of the memorial park.  The indented bus stops however are not going to be removed.

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