EU Settlement Scheme information session

EU Settlement Scheme information session

We’ve received information about the EU Settlement Scheme information session (see poster for further details), If you know of any EU and EEA nationals living within the area who could benefit from the event.
This is due to the urgent need for their registration to the European Union Settlement Scheme, if they want to retain residency rights in the UK after Brexit.
Our Next Meeting

Our Next Meeting

A very happy new year to everyone from all of us on Bridge of Allan Community Council. We know you’ll all be feeling energised at the start of a new decade and perhaps considering getting involved more in your community so we’d like to take the opportunity to invite you along to our first meeting of the year which will be on the 21st January 2020 at the Allan Centre at 7.30pm. All are welcome to attend and we hope to see you there.

Regards, All at Bridge of Allan Community Council

Tennis Courts Survey – Community Help Required

Community Council seeks resident’s views on Keir Street Tennis Courts

Following several years of neglect, the Public Tennis courts at the east end of Keir Street are now not fit for purpose.

The Community Council are concerned at the loss of this public facility and have identified potential funding sources, which would enable the courts to be brought back to an acceptable condition, but the views of as many residents as possible are needed before embarking on efforts to restore this local historic facility.

Community Council Chair, Mike Watson said. “It is sad to see the decline in use of the courts in recent years, but investment in restoring the courts, including new, easily maintained playing surfaces, would bring this facility back into regular use for the community and visitors to Bridge of Allan.

I would encourage as many residents as possible to complete this survey”.

If the resident’s response is in favour of restoring the courts and any subsequent funding applications successful, the works would include providing an all-weather surface and disabled access to the courts.

Residents can have their say by completing a survey, which can be accessed at: –

Paper copies are also available in the library and at the Allan Centre. The survey ends on Friday 14 February 2020.

More information can be found about the tennis courts project and other Bridge of Allan activities, at the Community Council website:

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