Walk, Cycle, Live Stirling – Concept Design Public Drop-In Event

Walk, Cycle, Live Stirling – Concept Design Public Drop-In Event

Details of a public drop in event to view the initial proposals for the new pedestrian & cycle links between Stirling train Station and the University

“Good Afternoon All,

I am very pleased to announce the first public design drop-in event for the Walk, Cycle, Live Stirling Project will take place on Wednesday the 26th February at the Cowane Centre.

The project will make walking, cycling and wheeling more accessible, pleasant and safe along two routes through Stirling.

Join us at the Concept Design Event anytime between 1.30pm and 6.30pm to view and comment on the first drafts of the design, have your say on how we can improve the streets and meet the project team while having fun and enjoying some coffee, tea and cake.

Please spread the word!

To find out more about the project and leave comments on the map of the routes, visit the Walk, Cycle, Live Stirling website at:


Drawings will be uploaded on to the website, and an email will be circulated when this is live for comment. Subscribe to the news to keep up to date on the Walk, Cycle, Live Stirling Project.”

Do you, or does someone you know live with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)?

Do you, or does someone you know live with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)?

Please see attached message from the Scottish Health Council regarding those who live with the diagnosis of ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis).

“Good morning

Do you (or does someone you know) live with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)?

If so, the Scottish Health Council is looking for people who are living with a diagnosis of ME to give their views about what support they would like to see in place.

These views will be used to help the Scottish Government to address particular gaps in knowledge and understanding about the care and support needs of those who are affected.

If you would like to be involved in this piece of work, you can complete an online survey atwww.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/MyalgicEncephalomyelitisSurvey/    

If you would prefer to take part in a telephone interview or participate in a face to face discussion (as part of a group or individually), please contact our local office and we’ll be happy to arrange.

There is a flyer attached which can be shared and/or printed and displayed. We want to make sure we have done everything we can to reach individuals living with ME, so are very grateful for any sharing of the flyer/this email/the survey link!”

National Planning Framework 4 – Stirling – Community Events – 28 February 2020

National Planning Framework 4 – Stirling – Community Events – 28 February 2020

We’ve been shared details of upcoming NPF4 Community Events. Please see below. We’ve also attached a link giving more information about NPF4.

National Planning Framework 4 – The Essentials!

“May I first introduce myself. I work for the Scottish Government’s Planning and Architecture Division. We are just about to begin developing the next National Planning Framework (NPF). This is a long-term strategy for Scotland setting out policies and proposals for the development and use of land out to 2050. Key issues for the next NPF include: housing (particularly for older and disabled people), health and well-being, equalities, rural re-population, biodiversity, and of course climate change. NPF4 will have the status of the development plan for planning purposes. This is a change to the current position and will mean that its policies will have a stronger role in informing day to day decision making. NPF4 will also be an important document for communities as they prepare any Local Place Plan.

We are keen to seek the views of a wide range of people – members of the public, community and amenity groups, professionals, planners, developers etc, across the whole of Scotland. We are looking for people’s views on the future development of Scotland and how they think planning can help in realising their aspirations.

We plan to run a community focussed event in Stirling on 28 February 2020 at The Barracks, Forthside Way, Stirling, FK8 1QZ. We would particularly be keen to hear the views of local people and we would like to invite you and colleagues to attend the event(s).  

We hope to run a workshop like this one here, where we worked with the Scottish Youth Parliament, between 10am – 12pm. And a more informal drop-in session from 12 – 2 pm.

We would also be interested in extending this invitation to other local groups and networks of people who you may be aware of locally. I realise that you may not be able to advise me of e-mails, but if you were able to help get out the message in any way that would be splendid. If you would wish to attend the drop-in session, then please come and see us at The Barracks. You can book a place at the workshop online here – https://www.transformingplanning.scot/national-planning-framework/get-involved/.

If you aren’t able to attend – but are interested in thinking about the future development of Scotland – we have launched a Community Grant Fund to assist communities to hold their own events. Details of the Fund and other resources can be found at: https://www.transformingplanning.scot/national-planning-framework/resources/ under the Early Engagement tab.

I look forward to hearing from you. If it would be easier for me to give you a call, then I am happy to do so.

Graham Robinson | Policy Manager | Planning & Architecture | Scottish Government | 0131 244 7063 “

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