Walk, Cycle, Live Stirling – Website Drawings

Walk, Cycle, Live Stirling – Website Drawings

There’s a public drop-in event being hosted on Wednesday 26th February at the Cowane Centre between 1.30pm and 6.30pm where Stirling Council will be showcasing the first design proposals for the two new cycle routes in Stirling.

As not everybody will be able to attend on Wednesday, the proposals have been uploaded on to the website for users to comment and give feedback on these.


All feedback from workshops, public drop-ins and the website will be fed into the next stage of design.

Coop Response re New Store Development Consultation

We attach below an emailed response from the Coop development manager

Dear Cllr,

Thank you for your recent letter – I hope you don’t mind me replying via E mail rather than a paper letter. The Co op is committed to being as sustainable as possible and as such E mail is our preferred method of communication.

As you say we are hoping to bring the Bridge of Allan community a new and improved food store on the site of our existing store which as you will be aware is not providing the community, our members and colleagues with the best possible shopping  and working environment. 

We very much want to hear the views of all sections of the community and it is our intention to consult with the entire community including of course the Parish and Community Councils.

Before we do this however we need to first speak with the Council’s Planning and Highways Officers as they represent the Local Planning Authority (LPA). Our first point of contact has to be with the professional Officers for two reasons.

Firstly it would be disrespectful not to observe the proper order of things in this matter and to do this we need to speak with the LPA first. That is not to say the LPA are more important than other stakeholders but they are the decision makers in planning terms and we would always speak to them in the first instance.

Secondly it would serve no purpose to consult the wider community on proposals that the LPA would not accept. For example if the Highways officers deemed a proposal to be dangerous it would be pointless to present these proposals to the community as the plans could never come into fruition without satisfying Highways Officers.

That is not to say that all the views of all stakeholders are not  equally important and we certainly would not be presenting proposals to the Parish and Community Council’s as a “done deal”.  We would welcome their views and input.

We have to take the views of all parties into account and to do this we will organise consultation events for the whole community including the Community and Parish Councils to input into our proposals. We will be taking steps to organise this once our discussions with Officers are complete and we look forward to hearing the views of all stakeholders.


Chris Beebe

Regional Planning Manager (North/Scotland/NI/IOM)

Group Property

Planning Enforcement Enquiry Form

We’ve received notice from Stirling Council of a new Planning Enforcement Enquiry Form. Please see below for details.

As part of a series of ongoing process improvements to our Planning Enforcement service, this week we have launched a new enforcement enquiry form. This form will be the way for members of the public to register a enforcement enquiry with the service.

A key issue the team face is working out quickly if an issue is a Planning matter or if it should be more appropriately dealt with by another Council service. We also sometimes have difficulty ascertaining a basic level of information from enquiries/complaints, and prioritising these by type. It is hoped that with this basic form we can quickly check that Planning is the appropriate regulatory service to investigate and enable a more efficient registration. This should help make sure that enquiries are addressed by the most appropriate Council service.

We would be grateful if you could, in the first instance, direct any members of the public with enforcement enquires to the Enforcement Enquiry Form.

Where elected members wish to raise an enforcement issue, please continue to contact Corporate Enquiries directly and we will complete the details as required.

There is also an associated guidance note to aid in its completion and explain further the enquiry process.

A copy of the Enquiry Form and the associated Guidance note can be found at:


Preloved School Clothing 


A system has been introduced where school clothes which are donated are laundered and advertised on the website 

Information on how to donate is also available on this website www.prelovedstirling.org.uk

School uniform for primary and secondary aged children and young people. It is hoped that prom dresses can be included soon. 

Families can access the website and ‘purchase’ the items at no charge. The items are then posted out to the family, at no charge, thereby removing any stigma 

Further details can be found 



https://my.stirling.gov.uk/learning-education/schools/school-meals-uniforms/school-uniforms-free- meals-ema/preloved-school-clothes/

Stirling Council Seeking Groups to run Holiday Fun Clubs

Stirling Council Seeking Groups to run Holiday Fun Clubs

From Stirling Council

  • In this climate of austerity, we are all aware that the most vulnerable are suffering the most 
  • Stirling Council has been offering activities and hot food during school holidays over the last 2 years 
  • We have not advertised this – as we do not want to stigmatise anyone 
  • Children are identified sensitively through the head teacher – the HT in each school know the situation of the children. 
  • Children are then offered a place on the holiday ‘fun clubs’ – and support to complete registration form is given by school staff. The fun club registration is then opened up to all – again to prevent children being stigmatised. 
  • So far, these fun clubs have been very successful – but there is not the physical resource within SC to commit to continuing to deliver. So far we have been awarded funding from SC budget – as you know its budget season – and particularly challenging this year. While I hope funding will be available again this year, this cannot guaranteed. 
  • Rather we are looking for community groups to take this up. Groups would bid for funding to provide activities and food for children in their area 
  • Good communication and liaisons with head teachers will be essential. 
  • Groups who feel they could offer support and assistance are requested to contact SC 
  • We have created a framework which outlines all that would be necessary to deliver a ‘fun club’. Those groups who are not yet ready are invited to enquire – support and guidance will be given to those groups 
  • All schools have children who are in need – some more than others. 
  • If you, or someone, or a group you know is interested, or you want to find out more information – please contact 
  • Claire Barron – barronC@stirling.gov.uk or 01786 233881 
  • Information is also on Stirling Council website 
  • Individuals who do not want to organise a group, but want to help, could perhaps volunteer with an established group.
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