Community Message – Police Scotland Forth Valley Division

I just wanted to reach out and introduce myself as the Superintendent for Partnerships in Forth Valley Division.   In the last 27 years, I don’t think I have worked through such a unique situation as the current Coronavirus pandemic. Whilst there is understandable anxiety around what the future might bring, a real positive from this has been the evidence of community spirit across the whole Forth Valley area.

I would just like to take the opportunity to thank you personally for the high levels of compliance with Government guidance we have seen locally.    This all helps protect the resilience of NHS and hopefully save lives.

For policing, playing our part in supporting the critical role of our partners in Public Health to protect our communities from Covid 19 is a vitally important piece of work.  We are really keen to get an understanding of how people are feeling at the moment across our communities and how we might use this to develop our policing approach over the forthcoming months.

To this end, I would really appreciate if you could spare a few minutes to follow the below link and complete the survey.   The survey can be completed from your perspective as a resident or your employment, whichever feels most relevant in terms of feedback.

Best wishes and please look after yourselves.

Mandy Paterson



Forth Valley Division

Community Council May Meeting Agenda

Community Council May Meeting Agenda

Our next Community Council meeting will be held, online via Zoom, on Tuesday 19th May at 7.30pm. The agenda for the meeting is attached.

As always, the public are welcome to attend. The meeting details are below. 

Topic: Bridge of Allan Community Council Meeting
Time: Apr 21, 2020 07:30 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 832 5621 3913
Password: 274869
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