Police Report – Feb 2021

Police Report – Feb 2021

Police Scotland have shared with us their report covering 18th Jan 2021 – 17th Feb 2021.  Read the report here.

The Community Policing Team have been liaising with Bridge of Allan golf club after they raised some issues in which they were having in relation to damage to the course and fence due to sledging on the course. The committee have asked that member of the community who are using the grounds to sledge please be mindful of the course and the other property nearby i.e. fencing (which appears to be broken after persons have been sledging into it).

The pop up policeman has been deployed on 3 occasion within Henderson Street (both ends) and Sherrifmuir Road. CPT will continue to use this and it appears to be having a positive impact on drivers.

February meeting and AGM

February meeting and AGM

Our next ordinary meeting is to be held on Tuesday 16th February at 7.30pm via Zoom. Find the agenda here. All are welcome to attend.  

We will be discussing: Gritting, The Wallace Monument, Tennis Courts, Speeding, Common Good Fund, Blairforkie Development, Play Parks, Dog Fouling, Community Council Vacancies, Planning Issues and Residents Voice where you can make your comments or questions.

Our 2020 AGM had been postposed due to COVID. We can now confirm it will be held before our February meeting on Tuesday the 16th at 7pm. In this meeting we will receive the Chair’s report and the Treasurers report. We will also be electing office bearers. See the agenda here

We hope to see you there.

Blairforkie Drive Planning Webinar Feb 2nd 7pm

Blairforkie Drive Planning Webinar Feb 2nd 7pm

We are hosting a public Zoom Webinar with D.M Hall and Allanwater Homes to address the community’s queries about the application.  The meeting will be on Tuesday 2nd February at 7pm, the meeting details are below. 

We have a panel of residents who have summarised the main questions and concerns and will deliver these to the developers.  Any follow up questions, sparked by the discussion can be typed into the Q&A/chat function and these will be collated and then passed onto the developer.  We will then publish any responses that we receive from the developer on our website and social media.

You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Feb 2, 2021 07:00 PM London
Topic: Blairforkie Planning Consultation

Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 808131

Police Report – Feb 2021

Police Report – Nov-Jan 2021

Police Scotland have shared their report covering 17th November 2020 – 17th January 2021.  Read the report here.

CPT officers have carried out hand held radar speeding checks in Cornton Road and Henderson Street, Bridge of Allan and a total of 6 motorists warned regarding vehicular speed.

In addition, Pop-up-Bob, a lifelike cut out of a police officer holding a hand held radar speed monitoring device, had been deployed in Kier Street, Henderson Street and Sheriffmuir Road to encourage motorists to slow down in built up areas.

This has generally been well received by the community and is another tool being used to impact positively on vehicular speed.

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