June Meeting Agenda

June Meeting Agenda

Our next meeting is to be held on Tuesday 15th June at 7.30pm after our AGM online using Zoom.  Find the agenda with meeting joining details here. All are welcome to attend.  

We will be discussing: Stirling Council Support to the Community Council, Police Report, Wallace Monument Stakeholder Group Update, Tennis Courts, Play Parks, Bridge of Allan Trail, Accessibility Street Audit, Christmas Lights, reports from our Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and Residents Voice where you can make your comments or questions, finishing up with our Planning Report.

Free Debt Advice service from CAP Scotland

Free Debt Advice service from CAP Scotland

CAP Scotland have reached out to us to help spread the word about their debt advice service.

For over 20 years, CAP has been providing free debt help in Scotland. CAP have a Facebook page and a webpage that are specific to Scotland.  They recognise that it can be very hard for people to make the first call to the helpline, so have added the option of requesting a call from the CAP Team.  All you need to do is give a few basic details and then someone from the New Enquiries Team will call you back. Call 0800 328 0006 visit the website to request a call.

CAP Scotland can help in a range of ways.

They are now beginning to offer home visits again. They can help with emergency food shops and utility and mobile phone top-ups. They are also registered with an on-line giving charity, that helps connect those who want to give with those in need of help.  Their befrienders stay in touch with clients and provide encouragement for them throughout their journey out of debt, and sometimes beyond.

Client Report 2021

You can read their newly released Client Report, which contains stories and statistics provided by clients. CAP know many more families are going to experience problem debt because of the economic impact of COVID and be pushed into poverty. Getting free debt help at the earliest opportunity is key. Help is available now, CAP provide free, FCA accredited advice and practical support to bring hope where it is needed most.


June Meeting Agenda

June Meeting and AGM

Our 2021 AGM will be held before our June meeting on Tuesday the 15th at 7pm via Zoom. In this meeting we will receive the Chair’s report and the Treasurer’s report. We will also be electing office bearers. See the agenda and meeting joining information here

This will be followed by our June Meeting at 7.30pm via Zoom.  The full meeting agenda is still to be confirmed, it will be shared when available.

We hope to see you there.

April Meeting Minutes 2021

April Meeting Minutes 2021

The April meeting minutes were approved at May’s meeting and have been uploaded to the website. They can be found here

The minutes give details of our discussions on the following topics: Active Travel, Cornton Level Crossing, Dog Fouling, The Police report, Election of New Members,  Update on National Wallace Monument Stakeholder Group, Tennis Courts, Planning Issues, received reports from our Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, and Residents Voice.

Police report May 2021

Police report May 2021

Police Scotland have shared their report covering  April 20th- 17th May 2021.  Read the report here 

A fake note was used to purchase goods on Henderson Street. If you have any information in relation to this please contact 101.

June Meeting Agenda

May Meeting Agenda

Our next meeting is to be held on Tuesday 18th May at 7.30pm via Zoom. Find the agenda with meeting joining details here. All are welcome to attend.  

We will be discussing: The Police Report, Common Good Fund, Pollinator Strategy, Wallace Monument Stakeholder Group, Tennis Courts, Play Parks, Bridge of Allan Trail, reports from our Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, Residents Voice where you can make your comments or questions, finishing up with our Planning Report.

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