May Meeting Agenda

May Meeting Agenda

Our next meeting is to be held on Tuesday 17th May at 7.30 on the online platform Zoom. Find the agenda with meeting joining details here. All are welcome to attend.  

We will be discussing: The Police Report, Community Led Tourism, Christmas Lights, Tennis Courts, The Common Good Fund, Recruitment, Face to face meetings, Planning and reports from our Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and Residents Voice where you can make your comments or questions.

Support local causes with Co-op membership

Support local causes with Co-op membership

Becoming a member at the co-op is easy to do and has many benefits.  One of them is to support local causes every time you buy.

When you buy selected co-op products and services 2p for every £1 you spend goes into your co-op Membership account which you can spend on your shopping or donate. The same amount goes to support community organisations and local causes.

Supporting local causes

Three local causes are supported at the moment.  You can choose one to support or give all three an equal share.

Bridge of Allan PTA are looking to add educational games to the early years playground to create an engaging outdoor learning environment for the school’s nursery, P1 and P2 children.

Friends of Bridge of Allan aim to install new seating and planted areas to add to our existing ones throughout the village. We provide and maintain floral displays, picnic and seating areas, and maintain public open spaces.

Teas Company run a weekly café which supports people suffering from Dementia and their carers and breaks down barriers between generations.

How to Join

It costs £1 to join.  As a Co-op member you can also help decide which community organisations are supported,  vote in elections and motions at the AGM and have a say in shaping products and services.

Each week select 2 discounts from a set of personalised offers, access special member only deals and discounts on other co-op businesses.  Join today on the Co-op website

Apply for support for your group

Are you part of a group or good cause which could benefit from funds?  Applications are now open to partner with the Co-op for 12 months to collect funds.  To be eligible you must be a not for profit group and deliver a project to benefit your local community.

Find out more on the Co-op Causes website

March 2022 Meeting Minutes

March 2022 Meeting Minutes

Our March meeting minutes are now available. Open here using this link.

At the meeting we discussing: The Cornton Road Rail crossing, Stiring Marathon (since cancelled) The Police Report, Community Led Tourism, Tennis Courts, Common Good Fund Application, Recruitment, Allan Centre and reports from our Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and our Planning Report.

Minutes from all out past meetings can be found on our meetings page

May Meeting Agenda

April Meeting Agenda

Our next meeting is to be held on Tuesday 19th April at 7.30 on the online platform Zoom. Find the agenda with meeting joining details here. All are welcome to attend.  

We will be discussing: The Police Report, Community Led Tourism, Christmas Lights, Tennis Courts, The Common Good Fund, Recruitment, The Allan Centre, Litter issues, Planning and reports from our Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and Residents Voice where you can make your comments or questions.

Support for Ukraine

An update for you on the donations collected for Ukraine.  There is now a group co-ordinating donations and their delivery to where they are needed. You can follow their progress on the facebook page Bridge of Allan: Support for Ukraine.


More good news about progress on our donations 🥳 More of our donations are on their way to Ukraine! On Friday, Alistair…

Posted by Bridge of Allan: Support for Ukraine on Sunday, 3 April 2022


Stirling council have set up a Support for Ukranian people website where you can find out how Stirling Council are working with the charity Dnipro Kids to provide sanctuary for children and young people evacuated from orphanages.

The Scottish Government have now issued guidance to Local Authorities on the Homes for Ukraine scheme, a more comprehensive list of FAQs about the scheme will be produced as soon as possible.  If you are an individual or organisation interested in providing accommodation, you can record your interest using the online form on the Homes for Ukraine website.

Vote for Bridge of Allan – UK’s Top Town for Business

Vote for Bridge of Allan – UK’s Top Town for Business

Thanks to a nomination from Karen of  Angels’ Share Glass,  Bridge of Allan is a finalist for the UK’s Top Towns for Business by @e_nation and @DellUK.  We need your votes to get there, can you help us?

Be sure to vote for Bridge of Allan to win by 17 April and you will also be entered into a prize draw to win a £200 Not on The High Street voucher.

Vote now: 

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