Our October meeting minutes are now available to read in full by clicking here

At the meeting we discussed 

  • Octobers Police report – 7 crimes in the period, minor assault, attempted vehicle theft, road safety, anti social behavior.
  • Community Police Email Address: DunblaneBridgeofAllanCPT@scotland.pnn.police.uk
  • Residents issues: Flooding at Forth Park jcn, the future of UCP, pavement cycling, BOA -Dunblane cycle route
  • Vacancies on the Community Council – filled in November!
  • Update from Local Place Plan group–  just under £10,000 from the Common Good Fund awarded to Discover Bridge of Allan for a community consultation to support the development of an Local Place Plan for Bridge of Allan.
  • Christmas Lights – updates on sponsors, fundraising targets, switch on event panning
  • CC publicity – photo board and member info to be prepared for display
  • Planning report – no concerns highlighted
  • Reports form our Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.

Minutes for the latest November meeting will be available after their approval at the next meeting.  However news on the progress of projects and local issues will also be shared via our website and social media accounts, so sign up to our mailing list or follow us to find out our news. 

Minutes from all our past meetings can be found on our meetings page

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