Our next meeting is to be held on Tuesday 21st of March at 7.30pm in the Allan Centre.   All are welcome to attend, see the full Agenda here

This month we will be covering: The Police Report delivered by our community policing team.  An update on our Community Action Plan review and Local Place Plan work. Allan Centre WiFi and hybrid meetings, Mine wood litter pick,  Planning Report, reports from our Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and Residents Voice where you can make your comments or questions. 

Full Community Council Elections are soon to be held over April and May and so the current membership of the communty council will dissolve on April 14th.  This means we will not have a meeting as originally planned on April 18th.  The possiblility of holding an earlier meeting in April before the elections will be discussed.

News on the progress of our projects and local issues will be shared via our website and facebook page, so sign up to our mailing list or follow us to find out our news. 


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